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“Thank you,” Isabel said, and she glanced at Grayson, Jesse and then Hanna. “If you hadn’t fired those shots, I might not have been able to get away from Marlene. How did you even know it was her?” she added to Grayson.

“I heard her when she whispered something to one of those thugs through her lapel communicator and I recognized her voice.”

Jesse, too, had heard those whispers, but he hadn’t been close enough to ID Marlene.

“I wonder why Marlene decided to come here and try to do her own dirty work.” Hanna threw it out there.

“Maybe because she was fed up with her men failing,” Jesse said. “Or maybe she wanted to personally settle this score.”

Since Marlene was dead, they might never know. Well, unless she’d shared her plan with the three men they now had in custody.

When the EMTs came rushing into the nursery, Hanna handed Deputy Norris back his gun, and she picked up Evan from the tub. She also pressed a kiss to Isabel’s cheek. A gesture that brought tears to the woman’s eyes.

“I’ll see you soon,” Hanna told her mother and she, while cuddling Evan close to her, followed Jesse into the nursery.

“Let me bring the cruiser to the front, and we can go,” Grayson explained, heading out to leave Hanna, Evan and him alone.

Jesse took full advantage of that lull to do what he’d been needing to do. He gathered both Evan and Hanna into his arms, and he brushed a kiss on the top of Evan’s head. The boy could certainly sleep because he didn’t even budge.

Hanna budged though. In a way. She smiled when he kissed her not on her head but on the mouth. Jesse had intended to leave it at just that. Something short and sweet, a little celebration that they’d survived in one piece.

He went to move back, but Hanna took hold of Jesse’s chin and pulled him to her. There was nothing short or sweet about the kiss she gave him. It was long, deep and filled with the emotion he could practically taste.

“You said something about being in love with me,” he reminded her.

“I am.” There was emotion in her voice, and lots and lots of heat.

“Good,” Jesse said, “because I’m in love with you, too.” That led to another kiss. One with way too much heat considering they were standing in the nursery just a few feet away from EMTs, Isabel and the wounded deputy.

Jesse put the heat on pause, knowing he could fire it right up as soon as he had Hanna at his place.

She looked up at him and ran her thumb over his jaw. “If the trauma of all of this didn’t trigger my memories, I might never get them all back.”

He studied her for any signs as to how she felt about that. She didn’t seem upset. “Are you okay with that?” he asked.

Hanna nodded and gave him another of those dazzling smiles. “Maybe we can make some new memories,” she said.

Jesse gave that smile right back to her and pulled Evan and her snugly into his arms. Yes, he was all for making lots and lots of new memories with Hanna and their son.
