Page 22 of Reckless Love

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“Wow, okay. Do what you want, Lucky, I’m not your babysitter, besides, I need to find Zeke anyway and let him know what happened.”

Sinner steps in front of the door at the same time Shadow grabs her by the arm, stopping her from going anywhere.

“The hell you are,” Shadow snarls.

“Fuck me! Get your hands off her,” I shout, scrubbing a hand down my face.

Shadow leans forward, crowding her space. “Don’t do this.”

“Give me one good reason not to,” she snaps.

Shadow eyes his brother, who leans silently against the door shaking his head.

“That’s what I thought.” She jerks her arm out of his grip and heads for the door. “Move.”

Sinner stands like a brick wall blocking her exit.

“Just let her go, brother. We don’t have time for her games. We got work to do,” Shadow orders.

Sinner steps out of the way as Cassie jerks the door open and heads out. I’m hot on her heels, needing some answers of my own.

“Cass, wait up!” I shout as I pick up the pace, trying to close the distance between us.

She slows down enough for me to catch up but doesn’t stop walking. “Go see Angel, Luck.”

“I plan on it, but you need to tell me what that was all about. They’re dangerous, Cass. You have no idea what they’re capable of, and I don’t want you to find out.”

“Last time I checked, you’ve put me in more danger than anyone else. Thanks for the pep talk. You’ve done your brotherly duty, now you can go.”

She presses the button to the elevator and crosses her arms.

The tension between us has been at an all-time high since I was forced to leave. Things haven’t been the same between us since. She’s right, I have put her in danger, but trouble follows those two everywhere, and I don’t want her around for that.

Cassie deserves better.

“I’m serious. You need to stay far away from them. This isn’t a joke.”

“Are you done? Because I don’t need you or anyone else to tell me how to live my life. I’ve got along just fine this far,” she proclaims, stepping into the elevator as the doors open.

I step forward, blocking the doors from closing. “You’re seventeen years old and they’re—I don’t know, old as fuck.”

She shoves me out of the way.

“Go live your life, Luck, and I’ll live mine.”

Cassie leaves me standing in the hall dumbfounded. My words carry no weight with her anymore. My little sister is on a mission to find her place in this world, and she doesn’t want my opinion on any of it.

Spinning on my heels, I take off toward Angel’s room. I see Jax and Dante waiting patiently by the door as the doctor exits the room.

“Everything good, Doc?” I ask.

“I’ll let Ms. Somers give you an update,” he says, walking away.

I move past the guys, pushing the door open. Angel looks a little freaked out, her eyes wandering around the room.

“Luck,” she whispers, holding her arms out for me, and I immediately fly across the room to her.

She scoots over to make room for me, which I take advantage of. The instant she’s in my arms, everything feels right in the world. Like we can face anything as long as we’re together.
