Page 39 of The Organization

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“We just had to call the hospital and inform them that a new batch was waiting for them - I think they’re donating organs or something. I don’t even know.”

I moved without meaning to, but as the door to my bathroom stall slammed open and they turned to look at me, I couldn’t find it in myself to care. I was upon them in a heartbeat. I slammed her pretty face against the porcelain sink. She crumpled down like the pathetic piece of garbage she was. I grabbed the second girl by the hair as she tried to flee, rage feeding my adrenalin as I clenched my fist, slamming it into her face. The feel of bones crunching beneath my knuckles was far more satisfying than it should have been. Bitch deserved far more than a broken nose.

Before I could think further - decide to take matters into my own hands and offer them a far bloodier death than the hand of The Warden allowed, I pulled a syringe from my bag, plunging it into one of their thighs. I capped the empty syringe, pulling out a second shot, stabbing the girl swiftly in her stomach. I was operating in that autopilot haze - the one that allowed me to do these things without thinking about exactly what it was I was doing.

I heated and pressed the seal into each face, the smell of burnt flesh permeating the air, and as I slid my items back into my bag, shedding myself of the hoodie, I caught movement out of the corner of my eye, and that was when I saw him.

Mack was standing quietly in the bathroom stall that sat next to the one I had spent more than an hour hiding in. I didn’t flinch from his gaze - didn’t run, even as my heart shattered, becausethiswas how we ended. There was no coming back from this - from the truth of who I really was. He didn’t say anything, instead, he simply stood there quietly, observing everything I had done. I refused to beg - to ask himnotto say anything -notto out me to the SinClaires because if he wanted to rat on me, then that is what he should do. I ran my fingers through my hair, the strands falling in my face without the hoodie to hold it back from my work, and I was almost certain I had rubbed blood into my blonde strands, the girl I had punched had bled like a stuck pig.

“How long have you been there?” I finally spoke, content to find my voice steady and unwavering.

“The entire time. I slid through the window about a minute after you.”

It was difficult to imagine Mack fitting through the window, but it seemed the least of my problems at the moment. And I didn’t have anything to say to say that - no excuse I could offer that seemed even remotely plausible. But Mack wasn’t running for the hills - wasn’t threatening to narc on me. Instead, he simply stared at me with his cool, heavy gaze, and I honestly didn’t know what to do with that - hadn't planned for this.

“This why you were acting weird at breakfast?” he rocked back on the heels of his shoes, and it struck me exactly how unaffected he appeared. I shrugged. It was as good a response as any. “Was this what your letter was about?”

Mack wouldn’t let this go - wouldn’t forget this. He would keep pressing - keep asking questions, and the thought alone made me want to rage because the last thing I needed was him to pass judgment on me. He had no fucking idea what I had been through - what was on the line.

“Partly,” I answered him, fighting to assess the situation through a perspective that wasn’t colored by what I felt for Mack but, suddenly, I wasn’t sure what such a perspective looked like.

“Okay then.” He nodded. “How many of these have you done so far?”

“Why?” I snapped at him. “Why should I tell you that? So you can run off and narc to Benson?”

Mack held my gaze, assessing andkind. Fuck. Him.

“Nah, Hellcat,” he answered in a smirk, “I’m thinking that if you’re gonna make this a habit, you could use someone to guard the door for you.” His green eyes stared down at me.

“I’m not dragging you into my shit.” I answered him, fighting the tears that threatened to overwhelm me. What was it about this boy that had be me crying at every fucking turn.

He’s not a boy. My mind chose that exact moment to remind me of exactly how masculine he truly was, an imagine of his perfect fucking dick flashing in my mind. God, I fucking hated him.

“I told you last night,” he stepped towards me slowly as if he understood how skittish I truly was, “that at some point you would trust me. Well, I hate to break it to you, but we’re at that point. And I’m still here. I haven’t run, and I don’t plan on tattling. I’mhere.” He edged closer towards me until there was no more distance between us, his palm cupping my face. I wanted to believe him, but the panic that such trust entailed had me stepping backwards. Still, he didn’t flinch - didn’t pull back, instead, he held his hand out for me. “Come on, Hellcat, let’s get out of here and get you into the shower.”

I was suddenly aware of the two bodies that lay at my feet, the pool of blood from the girl's nose and, finally, I took his hand and allowed him to lead us out of the bathroom in full view of the cameras. They would simply assume that Mack and I had stumbled into the bathroom for a daytime hookup - nothing more. Still, his body blocked me from the camera, and it took me a moment to understand what he was doing - he was ensuring that there was no evidence that I had walked out of there with blood in my hair.

Chapter Twenty-Six : A Reprieve


Herpanicwasapalpable thing. I hadn't expected to see her take those two girls out, but the more I stood there and watched her, the more it made sense. I wasn’t completely oblivious - I noticed The Warden’s mark on their flesh, but at least now I knew who pulled her strings - who she answered to, and that knowledge was worth it all because now I knew how to protect her.

In truth, if I had known about this, I may have gone about my approach differently because even as I guided her back to our apartment, she was skittish as hell. I wanted to reassure her - to tell her that it didn’t matter. If she knew who my family was - what we were capable of, she would laugh at the absurdity of it all, but that was a conversation for another time.

Once we walked through the door, she had become almost catatonic, barely replying to any question I posed in her direction. And that was just utter fucking bullshit, I wasn’t going to allow her to retreat behind those walls of hers now that I knew where she had been disappearing to. I didn’t care. She could kill a hundred Society members and I wouldn’t fucking care - wouldn’t look at her differently. In fact, if she asked me to help, I would - if it kept her safe, I would. Didn’t she know that? Didn’t she understand?

Her body veered towards the bathroom, but I wasn’t about to let this go. I pulled her back, tugging at her wrist until she spun around to face me, anger etched across every inch of her beautiful face. The frown did nothing to diminish her beauty, and I hated how fucking scared she was - hated that she doubted me - doubted us. Did she honestly think that I would narc on her? Sell her out to Benson? The thought alone made my blood curdle in anger, and suddenly my lips were pressed against hers, my mouth moving in a searing kiss. Because I needed her tounderstand. Her tongue flicked against mine in fury.Good. Let her be mad - let her be angry - let her take her rage out on my body because it was better than her fear - her doubting us. She nipped my bottom lip, and I nipped right back, the coppery taste of blood exploding against my tongue.

I didn’t know if it was from her lips or mine, all I knew was that I couldn't pull away because she was suddenly alive, pushing against me, walking us towards the kitchen counter, and I was certain that I had never felt such relief in my life. Without pulling my lips from hers, I hoisted us both onto the counter, allowing her to climb on top - to control exactly how this went.

Marissa didn’t disappoint - but then, she never did. Within a moment, my jeans were tugged down to my ankles and, somehow, her leggings were discarded with a swiftness that I wanted to remember, and then she sank down on me, pistoning herself on my cock, using her haunches to help her move. And God, could this girlmove. She raged against me, her nails raking across my chest, and I let her because her feelinganythingwas better than the cold distant creature she became. I thrust up into her, finding my own rhythm as I brought my thumb to her clit. Her fingers pushed mine away as she bared her teeth at me, never once halting the exquisite up-and-down movement she had going. I lay back, the marble cold against my back as she controlled her pleasure. This was her show, and I was simply happy to have a role in it - to have my star returned. Her moans made my stomach tense, and I clenched my ass cheeks as my balls pulled up, my cock begging for release. The debauched sounds of her wet pussy echoed in the kitchen, and I was convinced that it was my favorite sound. My hellcat was always dripping for me as my cock slid in and out, and today was no different - even when she was mad - even when she was goddamn terrified, she still wanted this - wantedme. She shuddered above me, her legs shaking from the effort, but I was right there with her, taking over as she slowed down. I slammed up into her again and again until it was her name I cried from my lips.

She slumped against me, her body coated in sweat, and we lay like that for a while, content to bask in this moment. I wasn't sure how much time had passed, but I finally spoke, hating to ruin this, but I didn’t want a fragile relationship. I wanted something solid - something sure. I wanted her to call me to help her discard the bodies she had accumulated. I wanted to take her home and have her sit at our table and have a voice. I wanted a life with her, one that was filled with an apartment and kids and a dog. I wanted it all.

“Let’s get you in the shower, and then grab food downstairs somewhere public so everyone sees you and remembers us being there.” She blinked down at me as if she were finally coming back to herself.

Wordlessly, she climbed off of me, and although she was silent, she wasn’t retreating. The shower was soothing, I ran the soap across her body, washing her skin, before rinsing the blood from her hair, and the fact that she was allowing me to look after her was the win that I was looking for.
