Page 17 of Kieran

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“I guess I should go back inside.” Kieran entwined his fingers with Brooklyn’s. “When can I see you again?”

Brooklyn’s lips curved into a smile, his heart fluttering at the thought of seeing Kieran again. “How about tomorrow night?”

“That sounds perfect.” Kieran leaned in for another kiss, this one more passionate than the last. Brooklyn’s body responded eagerly, his mind going blank as Kieran’s lips and tongue explored his mouth.

Finally, Kieran pulled away with a grin. “I’ll pick you up at eight.”

Brooklyn gave him his address. “I’ll be ready.”

They exchanged phone numbers, and then Kieran released his hand and headed back inside. Brooklyn took a deep breath and pinched himself. This couldn’t be real. He was a human, and now he was dating a shifter. It was a lot to process, but he couldn’t deny that he was excited to see where things would go with Kieran.

With a smile on his face, he made his way to his car, his mind already planning out the perfect outfit for his date.

* * * *

Brooklyn’s appointment took longer than expected, and now evening had set in. As he headed out of his apartment building, the night felt...different. Now that he knew about wolves and vampires, Brooklyn looked at everyone through new eyes, trying to figure out their secret identity: human, shifter, or vampire?

If you asked him, everyone looked suspect.

As he walked down the dimly lit street, Brooklyn couldn’t help but feel a sense of unease. He knew he was being paranoid, but he couldn’t help it. He turned around but saw no one. He shrugged it off, figuring it was just his nerves getting to him. After all, he had just learned about a whole new world of supernatural creatures.

But as he continued walking, the feeling didn’t go away. It only intensified, making his heart beat faster. He quickened his pace, hoping to make it to his car before anything happened.

Brooklyn snatched his phone from his pocket, pulled up his contact list, and was ready to call Kieran if that feeling of unease didn’t go away.

Finally, he made it to his car two blocks over. The streets had been crowded earlier, and Brooklyn hadn’t found a closer spot to park. Relief washed over him that he’d made it to his car safely, until he felt a strange sensation on the back of his neck.

Brooklyn turned and was slammed against the car. The stranger bared his fangs then sank them into Brooklyn’s neck. Brooklyn screamed, trying to push the vampire away. He felt the blood being sucked out of him and his body slowly growing weak. He tried to fight, but it was like he was stuck in a nightmare where his movements were sluggish and uncoordinated.

His world spun as his body went into shock. He felt the monster’s fangs deep inside him, sucking his life dry. The pain was excruciating, and Brooklyn couldn’t move a muscle.

Summoning all of his remaining strength, he shoved his hand into his pocket and grabbed his pepper spray. He aimed it at the vampire’s face and pressed down hard on the trigger. The vampire howled in pain, releasing Brooklyn from his death grip.

The guy took off as Brooklyn stumbled, his hand on his neck as he tried to get his bearings. He felt dizzy and weak, but he knew he had to get help.

He fumbled for his phone, his vision blurry as he tried to dial Kieran’s number. It took a few attempts, but finally, Kieran answered.

“Miss me already?” Kieran teased.

“I…I was attacked.”

“Brooklyn, what’s wrong?” Kieran’s voice was urgent, and Brooklyn could hear the concern in his tone.

Brooklyn stammered, “A vampire b-bit me.”

It was the only explanation for what just happened. His first encounter with a vampire, and Brooklyn should feel… He wasn’t sure how he should feel, and right now, he didn’t care.

It sounded as if Kieran was running. “Where are you?”

He told him where he was. “Please, help me.”

“I’m coming,” Kieran said, his voice low and urgent. “I’m on my way. Don’t move.”

Brooklyn’s legs gave out. He fell to his knees, his body trembling, and he felt his consciousness fading as his phone slipped from his hand.

No! He refused to go out like this. He had to fight, had to stay awake long enough for Kieran to get there. He’d just gotten his freedom from a crappy relationship, and he still had a full life ahead of him to live.

Summoning his strength, he managed to get into his car and lock the door. He was still dazed, and he wasn’t sure he could stay awake much longer. All he could hope for was that Kieran made it there in time.
