Page 9 of Kieran

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Kieran glared at Cyrus. “Actually, I was hoping you guys could help me track him down,” he said.

That was smart. They could cover more ground if there was more than just Kieran looking for the guy. Cyrus might be busting his friend’s balls, but he really did want to help.

Cable uncrossed his arms and scratched his beard, deep in thought. “If we can get a sample of his scent, we might be able to track him,” he said.

“Don’t you already smell him on Kieran?” Cyrus asked. “He reeks of the human.”

Kieran narrowed his eyes. “I do not reek of him.”

“Yeah, you do.” Logan grinned. “It’s like you rolled around in a barrel of... What’s your mate’s name?”

“Brooklyn,” Kieran answered.

“Last name?” Cyrus asked. Then again, if Kieran knew the guy’s last name, he probably would have found Brooklyn by now. It had been a dumbass question, but there were times—more than Cyrus cared to admit—when he asked dumbass questions.

“Do you get last names when you’re screwing a stranger in a club?” Kieran glared at him.

“Good point.” Cyrus nodded. “I never get a last name, but I do get a phone number.”

“All right, ladies. Let’s focus on getting a scent sample,” Cable said, interrupting their banter. “Hand over your shirt.”

It was clutched in Kieran’s tight grip. He gave it to Cyrus, who passed it around. Not every member was there. Some were out hunting, while others were doing whatever. Rayne was inside with Felix, and Cyrus wasn’t going to ask their alpha to help, because he knew Rayne didn’t want to leave his mate alone, and Cyrus wouldn’t ask him to.

Once everyone had Brooklyn’s scent, they drove to Club Lure then went on foot from there. Cyrus wasn’t sure how successful they would be, but he would give this all he had. No wolf shifter should be separated from their mate.

* * * *

A few hours later, Brooklyn was exasperated. He’d tried to get his mark to go away with no success. He’d rubbed it countless times and tried to wash it, but the damn thing was still visible. It was as if his skin had been tattooed. Only, it wasn’t ink on his skin. It was just a faint outline, like a scar that had been left behind after a burn.

“Will you stop?” Marcus grabbed his hand when Brooklyn started rubbing again. “If it hasn’t come off by now, the only thing you’re going to do is give yourself a friction burn.”

Brooklyn pulled his hand away from Marcus. “I just can’t believe this is happening. I need to find the guy and ask him what this means. For all I know, I’ve been marked for death.”

“Now you’re just being dramatic.” Marcus took a sip of his wine as he leaned on one elbow on Brooklyn’s bed.

“Dramatic?” Brooklyn showed his friend his palm, although Marcus had already seen the marking. “Let this mysteriously show up on your hand and see if you don’t freak out.”

Now all Brooklyn could think about was what Marcus had said about those rumors. His mind wanted to reject the idea of wolf shifters and vampires, but intricate designs didn’t just burn themselves into someone’s palm. Brooklyn was positive he hadn’t touched anything hot. He would have remembered.

Marcus sat up, placing his wine glass on the nightstand. “Then go find him. The guy you slept with. Maybe he knows something about it.”

Brooklyn hesitated. He didn’t even get Kieran’s last name, let alone his number. And now, with this strange marking on his hand, he regretted not asking for more information.

“I don’t know how to find him,” Brooklyn said. “I don’t even know his last name.”

“You didn’t ask it?”

Brooklyn groaned. “If I had known this was going to happen, I would have asked for his ID.” Had Brooklyn known this was going to happen, he wouldn’t have slept with Kieran. The guy was smoking-hot but so not worth this level of anxiety.

Marcus had taken him out so Brooklyn could forget about his slut of an ex-boyfriend. Boy, had that worked and then some. This was the first time he’d thought about Blaine since they’d left for the club. Kieran was the only person constantly on his mind now.

And not just because of the mark. Kieran was hands-down the hottest guy Brooklyn had ever met. He was even hotter than Blaine. Brooklyn had been so caught up with getting screwed by Kieran, to shed his past life, that his dick had been thinking for him.

Now he had to find Kieran if he was going to get some answers.

“I’ll head back there tomorrow and see if I can find him,” Brooklyn said, trying to keep the worry out of his voice, because he was that close to going into a full-blown panic. No one could blame him, either. What if he had slept with a vampire or wolf? What if something like that was remotely possible?

Nope, not going to think about that right now. I have enough to worry about without adding more to my plate.
