Page 36 of Rayne

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Felix jumped to his feet and ran for the plate. He snatched it up and grabbed a fork from the drawer. “Since you were a good sport, I’ll share this with you.”

Rayne walked in and frowned as he looked at Kieran lying there. “What’s going on?”

“Felix just beat Kieran’s ass over some pie,” Cyrus said. “You should have seen it. He was incredible.”

Felix beamed at the false praise. Then he lifted an arm and flexed his tiny bicep. “Don’t come between a human and his sweet tooth.”

Rayne snorted as he gave Felix a quick kiss. “You guys need to find something else to do besides terrorize each other.”

Kieran smiled as he got to his feet. “Felix is just better at wrestling than I am.”

“Then you should train harder,” Cyrus said. “I’ve seen Felix run faster than you.”

The guys all busted out laughing giving Felix the satisfaction of having won that round.

Rayne watched Felix with love in his eyes as he took the fork from Felix and stole a piece of the pie off the plate. The affection made Felix’s chest swell with happiness. “Hey, that’s my piece!”

“Hmm,” Rayne said as he took a bite. “It’s good.”

Felix snatched the plate away from him. “Get your own.”

Rayne grinned and said, “You need to learn how to share, Felix.”

“Not on your furry life.” Felix hugged the plate. “Give me back my fork.”

“Kieran, make a store run. It seems we’re out of pie,” Rayne said.

“I’ll grab three.” Kieran walked out with a smile.

“And ice cream!” Felix shouted after Kieran was gone.

With a chuckle, Rayne handed Felix the fork. “Let’s take that slice to our bedroom.”

“And on that note, later.” Cyrus grabbed his own plate and walked out of the kitchen.

“You know how to clear a room,” Felix said as he let Rayne lead him upstairs.

“One of my many talents.” Rayne closed the bedroom door behind them. “Let me show you another talent of mine.”

Rayne curled his fingers under Felix’s chin. The love and passion in his eyes almost bowled Felix over. “I love you, Felix.”

Rayne’s voice was low and raspy, and it sent tingles down Felix’s spine.

Rayne took Felix’s lips in a searing kiss. The use of their tongues was gentle and soft, but Felix could taste the need of his mate. The man’s tongue licked at his, teasing and tasting. Felix placed the plate on the bedside table then pulled away to undo the buttons on Rayne’s white dress shirt.

First, he ran his hands up and down Rayne’s chest, loving the feel of his muscles. Then his fingers delved into the opening and found Rayne’s nipples. With a deep-throated growl, Rayne dragged him toward the bed. They fell onto it, and Felix shivered as he felt Rayne’s erection pressed against his thigh.

Felix melted into his mate’s arms. He’d never felt this content and loved in his life. He’d never imagined that he’d find a man like Rayne who could love him so fiercely. With Rayne, there was no loneliness. There was no pain. Nothing but the two of them.

Rayne’s lips moved across his jaw and down his neck. When Rayne sucked his Adam’s apple, Felix couldn’t hold back a whimper. Rayne smiled against his skin. At the same time, his hand cupped Felix’s groin, and the pressure on his cock was nearly unbearable. He arched into the touch, gasping as Rayne’s fingers undid the top button of his jeans.

Felix moaned as Rayne’s mouth moved over the flesh of his biceps to his neck. “Ah, oh.”

“Do you like that?” Rayne murmured against the hollow of Felix’s throat.

“Yes.” The sweet scent of Rayne’s breath made Felix’s cock harden. He wanted to feel Rayne inside of him, thrusting, driving him to an explosive orgasm.

When Rayne started to kiss his way down his body, he writhed and arched under his mate’s hands. Soon, his shirt was open, and Rayne’s mouth was on his chest. He kissed the hollow of his throat, and then his lips moved down. He found one of Felix’s nipples and sucked on it. The pulsing throb of his cock grew even harder.
