Page 41 of Unforgettable

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He walks to the door and the dogs follow him there.

He sounds a little more like himself when he adds, “Let me know if you ever need a dog sitter.”

And then he walks out that door, and I want to call him back inside, tell him I want to know everything, all his ideas, and not just that, but what’s his favorite color and does he like oatmeal and when he’s not in a hotel taking me in several positions, what side of the bed does he sleep on?

But I don’t. I crawl on the couch with the dogs, and later, when they’re in my bed and I can’t sleep, I make more pretty things and try not to imagine him seeing me wear them.

And the next morning, when ten o’clock rolls around and my calendar is totally clear, as I knew it was when he asked me, I wonder if he went to Sunny Side without me, and I regret missing out on having those pancakes with him.




It’s been two weeks since Scarlett and I had that conversation in her condo, and while things are definitely more peaceful around the lodge, I fucking hate it.

We barely talk to each other and when we do, it’s so polite and strained, it’s fucking miserable. But it’s just the way it’s gotta be. I’m here to run a business. Any lingering attraction I may feel for this woman has to be pushed aside.

I’ve run into her a few times when she’s walking the dogs, and that’s the only time it’s slightly easier to be around her. She’s more relaxed around them and I guess being out in the open air helps us both.

The rest of the time, it’s almost like a constant state of claustrophobia, the desire mixed with tension so thick every time I see her in her office or break room or talking to guests in the lobby. Hell, it’s there when I run into her at Sunny Side or Happy Cow too, so scratch my theory about the great outdoors.

I’ve immersed myself in work, not just around here, but with Zoom calls about lodge renovations and keeping up with my clients’ accounts, so I’ve had more than enough to keep me busy, but this weirdness with Scarlett is getting to me.

After a Sunday morning breakfast at Sunny Side, something that’s quickly become a tradition, I decide to take advantage of the snow we got last night, knowing there can’t be many more perfect opportunities to ski before the season is over. I bundle up and head over to our ski rentals, surprised to see Danny working on a Sunday. I’ve met with him a few times to discuss some ideas he’d like to implement and I like him, nice guy.

“I didn’t think you were on during the weekends,” I say.

He shakes his head, going straight for my size boots and the skis he knows I like after helping me only once before. “Sam’s got the flu and I had to call in backup already to cover the lifts. It’s slowing down now, but it’s been a busy one with the fresh snow.”

He freezes and his face breaks out in the biggest smile I’ve seen on the guy. “Hey,” he says.

I turn around to see who has him so excited and it’s a gut punch to see Scarlett smiling back warmly at him.

It doesn’t help that she looks better than fucking Catwoman in her black one-piece ski suit. It’s belted and fits every damn curve like it was made for her. She’s wearing a pink hat with two loose braids on either side. New fantasy look that I didn’t even know I was into. She keeps them in supply.

“Thought I might see you out here today,” he says, moving to a locked cabinet above the rest of the gear.

He pulls out a pair of black skis with pink detailing and matching ski boots and places them on the counter in front of her.

She glances at me reluctantly, and I tilt my head up in her direction. No smile for me, but I’m pretty sure my face has been in a permanent scowl since the night at Grinny’s.

The whole thing pisses me off.

“Jamison,” she says, reluctantly.

“Scarlett,” I bite back.

“Couldn’t miss this snow.” She turns back to Danny. “Might be the last one we get,” she says, completely animated when she talks to him.

My stomach churns. I’ve had about enough of this.

Danny hasn’t stopped grinning since she came in here and I decide I was a little too rash in my estimation of him. He’s totally forgotten I’m here…that’s not great for customer service.

“Wish I was out there with ya,” he says.

It’s totally obvious that he’s into her. Did they date before?Are they dating now?
