Page 42 of Unforgettable

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“Well, come on out. It’s almost final call. No one’s gonna start skiing this late before we close…I mean…except for us.” Her eyes dart to me and back to his quickly.

“Wish I could. Remember when you tripped on someone’s lost boot getting off the lift and skied down the top of the mountain backwards?” He laughs. “Once I knew you were okay, I’ve never laughed so hard in my life.”

She laughs. “Always laughing at my expense.”

“Always giving me a good reason to,” he says, looking at her with such unabashed affection I want to hurl my Sunny Side pancakes and sausage.

“It takes skill to ski down a black diamond backwards.” She shrugs.

He shakes his head in awe. “Damn straight, it does. Just more proof that you’re good at everything you do.”

I can’t take any more of this and once my boots are on, I get the hell out of there. The line is winding down and there’s probably only a half hour left before the lifts close. It’s the perfect time to be out here.

I feel Scarlett when she skis into place behind me, can smell her sweet scent, and Bo grins when he sees the two of us. He pauses the lift since the last people in front of us are about five cars ahead and we’re still not quite to the chair yet.

“You mind going up together?” he asks. “I just got a call from Regg asking me to check on something.”

I look behind us and we’re the only ones in line. Scarlett is avoiding looking at me, so I answer for both of us.

“I guess we can manage that.”

“Great, come on. No backwards skiing today, Scarlett,” Bo says, chuckling.

Scarlett rolls her eyes, but she’s grinning good-naturedly at him too. What does it take to get that kind of smile out of her? Her squirming against my fingers, the sweetest smile on her face as she looked up at me, comes to mind, and for the millionth time, I try to put the memory of that unforgettable night aside…at least until I’m alone in my bed or shower.

We get in place and Bo gives us a big grin and a salute as we take off. It’s silent for the first minute, and I appreciate the incredible view as we climb up the mountain. The slopes here are unlike any I’ve ever skied before, and next year, I plan to get out here earlier in the season to enjoy them more.

Maybe there’s a way to keep our sides from touching, but with skis, I don’t know how.

“You come out here often?” Scarlett says.

I stare straight ahead, surprised she’s started a conversation.

“Not as much as I’d like. I’ve been out twice before today. You?”

“Not as much as I’d like either.”

I chance a look at her, trying to read her mood. Her cheeks are rosy from the cold, and I resist the urge to jump off the lift and avoid such close proximity.

“One run is better than none…which is why I’m taking this one.” She motions up the steep hill we’re taking.

“Sounds like you’re a pro. Danny and Bo sure think so,” I say, trying my damnedest to avoid the edge in my tone but failing.

She chuckles slightly. “My brothers and I used to spend every chance we got out here. I’m rusty now compared to how often I skied as a kid.”

“I bet this was such a great place to grow up,” I say, looking out at the beauty in every direction but hers.

“It was the best,” she says, her tone wistful. “The very best.”

There’s something about the way she talks about Landmark…it’s different. Something much deeper than the way people usually talk about their hometowns. I love where I grew up, but it was more about my family, not my abiding love for our home or city.

We ride up and up and up, and the expanse of snowy mountaintops on either side of us is breathtaking.

“This view…it doesn’t get old, does it? Wait until you see it in the summer and fall…if you…come back for that,” she finishes awkwardly.

I glance at her and she’s starting to fidget.

“Jamison, I’m not the mean, angry person I’ve been with you. I’ve been so frustrated and sad and…just amessabout this whole situation. I hope you’ll forgive me for taking it out on you. I really am sorry. I’ve tried to show the professional I’m capable of being the past two weeks, but I sort of neglected the overdue apology.” She makes a face, looking so uncomfortable that I soften.
