Page 43 of Unforgettable

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“I…you’re forgiven,” I say, and it’s surprising how easily I mean it. “I know you’re not mean…well, I haven’t seen you be with anyone but me.”

“Ow,” she says, laughing. “I deserved that.”

“You think I don’t see how everyone in this town looks at you? You’re like royalty around here.”

Her eyes are shy as we look at each other. Damn, she’s stunning.Keep it professional, I tell myself.

“I’ve appreciated the peace, but talking is nice,” I admit. “Definitely better.”

She lets out a shaky, relieved sigh and looks so sweet, my stomach lurches and flutters like a lovesick traitor. I’m not going down that disastrous road again, so I tear my eyes away from her. It’s best I don’t look at her for long stretches.

“What was your favorite part of growing up h—”

A screeching noise interrupts me and we come to an abrupt stop, swinging back and forth. Scarlett’s eyes double.

“That didn’t sound right,” she says.




Jamison and I look forward and then behind us, seeing if there’s any indication of why we’ve stopped.

We’re not far from the top of the mountain, but not high enough to see the terminal. No one is behind us, and the lifts in front of us are empty, swinging ominously.

Wind kicks up and we’re still rocking slightly from that quick stop. I keep thinking we’re going to start moving any second, but…we keep sitting there.

“Does this happen often?” Jamison asks.

“If someone had been closer in front of us, it wouldn’t be weird to stop if they had trouble getting off, but…not this long. It’s getting weird…”

I reach around in my pocket, feeling around for my phone. “Dammit, I think I left my phone at Sutton’s. My nephew is obsessed with Lucia and Delgado.”

The concern on Jamison’s face eases and he smiles. “How are my favorite dogs?”

I’m about to answer, but it’s like the heavens suddenly part, and the fattest snowflakes fall on us at a rapid rate.

“What the hell is happening?” Jamison says, laughing.

His hair is covered in white within seconds, intricate snowflakes landing in his long eyelashes.

“I thought the snow was done for the weekend,” I say, glad I wore a hat.

I shiver and Jamison shifts closer to me, his body making me heat up in more ways than one, but with the wind picking up, it’s still cold out here.

“Let me see if I can find out what’s going on.” He shifts his poles to the side.

“I can hold those.” I take them from him while he tries to find his phone. It’s buried under his coat and he unzips his pants’ pocket to get to it.

“Next time, I’ll keep my phone in my jacket,” he mumbles, making a silly face at me.

I bite the inside of my cheek to keep from laughing at him. “You look like Jack Frost.”

“Do we know what Jack Frost looks like?” He frowns.

I point at him and he laughs, easing some of the tension between us.
