Page 86 of Unforgettable

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Dinner with the Golden Girls, 5 pm at The Gnarly Vine.

Get on the pill.

My eyes lose focus and I drift off, seeing Jamison hovering over me, his body in tune with mine…and then the anguish when he heard about his mom, the lost look in his eyes when we said goodbye.

He said he’d let me know what’s happening there, and I believe him, but he had no idea what to expect when he got home. The surety I felt through the night, the peace about being with him and maybe not trying to figure out my exact plan just yet…is on a precarious highwire that could topple over at any second.

I’m not used to floundering and I don’t like it, so I do what I do best—I go to work. But before I leave my condo, I look longingly at my sewing machine and the pretty lace that came in a few days ago. I’ve been so busy having fun with Jamison and his family, I haven’t had time to make anything with it.

The dogs are ready to be outside, so they don’t give me time to linger, and after a quick walk, we go to my office and dive in.

My meeting ends up being with Albert and Magnus, who stayed to keep working on the plans with Steve. We don’t talk for long, not because we don’t have plenty to discuss, but because the lodge is a hub of spring break activity. In the past we’ve hired extra staff to cover this stretch, but with me being stubborn about being hands off and not doing what I could’ve to prepare Jamison for what this time of year is really like, it’s coming back to bite me now.

I end up working at the front desk with Elsie for a few hours and clean a few of the suites when Clara goes home sick. As I’m leaving, we get a call about the dishwasher in one of the condos, and I text Albert to see if he can look into it. He says Magnus is willing to check it out and I let Albert know I’ll come back in tonight after my dinner with Grinny.

Lucia and Delgado are stopped every few minutes on our walk, people asking if they can pet them.

“My two little celebrities,” I tell them as we’re walking in my door.

They follow me around while I freshen up and look forlorn when I tell them they’re staying.

“I’m sorry. I’ll be back before you know it.”

All the way to The Gnarly Vine, I wish I’d gotten out of dinner. I love being with Grinny and her girlfriends more than just about anything, but I’m still exhausted from last night and feel like I’m needed at the lodge.

The Golden Girls are always early, so they’re already at a table and have two bottles of wine and my favorite charcuterie board—the one with the fig jam, crostini, prosciutto, the best cheeses I’ve ever had, and a variety of chocolates.

They’re so happy to see me, I feel bad for ever wanting out of it.

Except they have a clear agenda for tonight’s dinner.

And surprisingly, it’s Helen who starts it off.

“Jo says the numbers are highly in your favor over at Sunny Side.” Her tone is no-nonsense, her white curls tighter, like maybe she visited Rosie’s today and got a perm.

A few days ago, Grinny had said Peg was going to broach that subject with Helen—that maybe Helen should give up perms. I don’t blame Peg for backing out…or maybe Helen just ignored her.

Highly possible.

“Numbers?” I ask, still making my rounds with the hugs. I reach her last and she tilts her cheek up for me to kiss. As I lean in, I catch the scent of her powdery floral perfume and yep, perm.

“For the girl to win Jamison’s heart,” Peg says, leaning in, her eyes shining.

Grinny glances at me apologetically. “Let the girl sit down before you start talking about that nonsense. How was your day, ang—”

“Nonsense!” Peg pipes up. “The way to a man’s heart is never nonsense. And from what I’ve heard, you’re ninety-nine point nine percent there!” she squeals. “Tell us everything, Scarlett. Is that man as huge as he looks?”

“Peg!” Grinny huffs, reaching out to pat my hand. “She didn’t mean that how it sounded.”

I laugh, knowing exactly what Peg meant.

“I most certainly did. His hands can probably fit around your waist and overlap,” Peg says dreamily.

It’s true, his hands do fit around my waist and overlap, and it’s not because I’m the tiniest person. His hands are big, just like everything else about him.

“And I don’t have to tell you what they say about big hands and you know what,” Peg keeps going.

Grinny’s head falls into her hands. “Oh, hogwash,” she says, cocking her head toward Peg. “You don’t really believe in all that, do you?” She turns and winks at me. “I didn’t even notice his hands because of those eyes and broad shoulders.” Her shoulders shake as she laughs.
