Page 85 of Unforgettable

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“Oh God.” I feel winded and startle when Scarlett places her hand on my back, but then it steadies me. “I’ll be right there. We had a snowstorm here last night, but I’ll get there as soon as I can.”

“Can you let everyone else know? I hated to call Zac so early when he’s on vacation. I hoped you were up already.”

“Dad, you never have to worry about that. We’ll get there. Tell Mom we’re coming. She…has to be okay.”

“I know,” he says, his voice cracking again. “I don’t know what I’ll do if—”

Tears prick my eyes and I press my fingers into them. “She’ll be okay. She will. I’m gonna hang up so I can get to you faster, but I’ll check in soon, okay?”

“Okay. Love you, Jamison.”

“I love you, Dad.”

He hangs up and I stand there in a stupor, trying to wrap my mind around my mom having a heart attack.

“My mom is so healthy,” I say. “She’s having an emergency bypass right now. What the fuck?”

Scarlett leans her head against my back and hugs me close. “What can I do to help?”

I turn and pull her against me, taking a deep breath as I hold her for a second before pulling away. “I need to get everyone home. As soon as possible.”

She nods, already walking to the pile of clothes near the bed. She hands mine to me and moves toward the tiny bathroom, while I stand there numb.

“I’ll let Blake know and then make a few phone calls, see who can get all of you out of here the fastest,” she says.

She jumps into action and it stirs me out of my fog. I get in touch with Zac and then Pappy, hearing the shower turn on and off in that time, and when Scarlett comes back out, she’s dressed.

“Blake says it’s safe to head down whenever we’re ready, and there’s a flight leaving at noon from Denver, which is cutting it close with the drive. But George is willing to take you in his personal plane, if you’re comfortable with that. He insists it’s in prime condition and ready to go. He can leave within the hour.”

The relief is overwhelming. “Thank you. I can’t believe how fast you did that.”

I text Zac and Pappy about George and then take a quick shower.

We’re out of our glass bubble within half an hour, my life changed in more ways than one.




I let Lucia and Delgado into my condo before I step inside.

My energy is depleted after havinganothermost incredible night of my life with Jamison and then seeing him climb onto that plane with his family, waving until they were out of sight and uncertain when I’ll see him again.

I collapse on top of my bed and am too wired to sleep at first.

The dogs are glad we’re together and I think my nephew wore them out because they hop up on the bed, and as soon as I turn to my side, they curl up next to me. Delgado curls into a ball at the back curve of my legs and Lucia turns and turns until she finds the perfect spot to plop down, eventually stretching out against the front of me like we’re spooning. I put my arm around her and she falls right to sleep while I stare blankly at TikToks.

I wake up to Delgado licking my ankle and sit up in a panic, searching for my phone. It’s tucked under one of my pillows and there are no messages. I slept for almost three hours.

I stumble into the bathroom and then take the dogs out on autopilot. Grabbing a Coke from my fridge, I change out of the dress I still had on from last night and into my coziest sweater and leggings and fuzzy socks.

My planner sits on my desk, mocking me. I’m so far from a plan right now, I don’t recognize myself. I promised Jamison that everything would be taken care of here, so I sit down and start a list.

Meet with Albert to discuss the week and figure out what backup I can provide.

Check Jamison’s calendar.
