Page 13 of Sarge's Downfall

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Armor killed his father when shit hit the fan, and since then, he’s still been saving the children. I know that there’s an organization that’s heavily involved in child trafficking, so maybe the people who went after Armor’s men are affiliated with them somehow.

“The others I’ve been buying from either haven’t caught wind or don’t care because I’m lining their pockets. I’m waiting to see how things play out. We all know who’s likely behind this bullshit attack anyway if we can even call it that.”

“The Orchid Corporation?” Breaker guesses.

Armor nods. “I don’t have a doubt about it that they’re responsible for this. I can’t wait to laugh in their faces when I take their company and rip it to shreds.” There’s a dark promise in Armor’s voice. He means business, and when this man has the intention to do something, he always gets it done.

My phone pings inside my pocket, so I pull it out and look to see who it is.

From: Luna

I hope you made it home okay.

I can’t help but smile, knowing she wanted to check in on me. She’s a sweet woman, and in this day and age, that’s a rarity.

“Who’s got you smilin’ like that?” Armor prods.

I didn’t want to say anything yet, but what the fuck. It’s not like it really even matters anyway.

“A woman I went to school with years ago. We reconnected at my parents’ anniversary party. It was nice to catch up with her.”

“Did you catch up with her over the course of a night?” Armor cocks a brow with a shit-eating grin on his face.

“Possibly,” I reply.

“Then you should be glad we didn’t call you back home. If we had, you never would’ve had that opportunity, now would you?” Breaker rubs it in my face.

“I suppose not.”

I type Luna back.

To: Luna

Yeah, just got back a little bit ago. It was great seeing you. I’d like to do it again very soon.

I’m beating myself up for not giving her the time of day back when we were in school. She would have been the kind of woman I could have married. Kind, smart, intelligent, independent, and so much more. I saw all of those qualities when we were kids, but I never wanted to cross that friendship line with her.

Maybe I thought that if I did and we didn’t work out that I’d lose her forever . . . but I don’t think that’s it. We weren’t even that good of friends when we were in school. She tutored me, and we were friendly, but it’s not like her being out of my life back then would have destroyed my entire world.

I’m not sure if I’m even really looking for anything but based on the way Luna and I communicate, I’d like to at least give it a shot. That is if she wants to.

We don’t even have to put a label on it. For now, all I want to do is spend some time with her and see where it goes.

“Sarge, did you hear us?” Armor pulls me out of my internal thoughts.

“No, sorry. What were you saying?”

“We’re gonna head upstairs and shoot some pool, have a couple drinks, maybe even throw some darts. Wanna come?” Armor asks.

“Yeah, that sounds great.” I rise up from the couch and follow Breaker as he leads the way across the room. They don’t know it yet, but they’re about to get their asses smoked.



Brennon’s been gone for a couple of days. I don’t even know how many because they’ve all been the same. I wake up, and I think about him. I work, and I think of him. I talk to Stacey about him, and then I go to sleep, and I dream of him. Well, that’s maybe a little too dramatic a description, but not too far off the mark either. I can’t get him out of my mind. Especially that kiss he left me with.

I’ve been trying to get into the book I’m editing for the last three hours, but something on damn near every page sends me into daydreams about Brennon. The hot scenes most of all.
