Page 30 of Sarge's Downfall

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“What have I done now?” I groan as I approach the intersection. There’s a group of people waiting for the light so we can walk across, so I stand a few feet away from the last person in the crowd.

“You’re kidding me, right? How could you keep something juicy like this all to yourself? I really can’t believe it.” I can practically see Fannie shaking her head at me.

“Fannie, I need to know what you’re talking about so I can understand this conversation.”

“Oh, come on. You have to know what I’m talking about!”

“I don’t know who told you I was a mind reader, but I assure you I’m not one,” I comment.

“Mom told me Luna was over helping her garden yesterday. She mentioned she might be moving to Los Angeles . . . and I know the two of you were getting cozy at Mom and Dad’s party.”

“Really?” This is the first I’m hearing about it.

“What do you mean, really?”

“I didn’t know she was thinking about moving here. She hasn’t told me that.” Part of me wants to talk to Luna about what Fannie’s just told me, but another part of me doesn’t. She could be moving here for a variety of different reasons, and I’d be wrong to assume it’s just because the two of us are seeing each other.

“What? Wow. So, are you going to talk to her about it?”

“No. It’s not my place to do that. I’ll wait for her to tell me about the move.”

Fannie sighs, “You’re really no fun, you know. So, what’s going on with you two? Considering my favorite brother hasn’t told me jack squat.”

“I’m your only brother, Fannie.”

“Whatever, that’s beside the point. Give me the details!”

The signal changes, and the group of pedestrians start walking across the street, so I make my way as well while talking to Fannie. “We reconnected at Mom and Dad’s party and have been talking a lot. She came to see me. There’s not too much to tell.”

“You’re joking! Is that what classifies as ‘not too much to tell’. Dude! She came out to visit you in LA? That’s huge!”

“Not really. It’s only a two-and-a-half-hour drive, sis.”

Fannie huffs even louder. “This is a prime example of why men are idiots. You don’t even realize how monumental it is that she even came out to visit you.”

“I’m not saying I’m not happy about it. I love spending time with Luna. We’re just taking things slow. The distance between us sucks, so I hope she is moving out here. It would be nice to have her closer.”

“Yeah, me too. You deserve a good woman, Brennon. Luna’s been through a lot over these last couple of years, and she deserves a good man. You two could be a match made in Heaven.” Fannie’s voice drops and comes from a heartfelt place.

“One day, you’re going to find someone good too, Fannie. Just keep your eyes open and wait for them to walk into your life. Fuck, it could happen out of nowhere like Luna and I did.”

“Yeah, I need to keep staying optimistic. After what I’ve been through, I’m shocked I didn’t just jump teams.”

“You could never be a lesbian, so don’t even play with that shit. The last thing you want to do is deal with another woman’s emotions.”

“Maybe so, but I would have.”

“Yeah, I’m sure. How are the girls doing?” I question changing the subject.

“Oh my gosh, they’re doing so great. Ashlynn is going to try out for the lacrosse team next year, so she’s starting practice with local girls to prepare for that. Meanwhile, McKenzie wants to start gymnastics. They’re constantly keeping me busy. They do keep telling me they want to see their uncle Brennon soon, though. I know you’re busy out in LA, but if you could make time to just come out and see them once a month, I know they’d really appreciate it. They only stay this little and happy for so long. At some point, we’re going to be the old boring people who they don’t give a shit about. Mom and Dad are getting older too. I just,” Fannie pauses, and I know what she’s thinking. It’s the same shit I think about too. “I know we won’t have them anymore at some point. I love them, and one day they won’t be around, so we have to make memories while we can.”

“I agree. Once a month should be doable, and it’ll give me an excuse to see Mom and Dad while I’m out there too.”

“Perfect. How do you feel about Luna? Do you like her?”

I’m just about back to the clubhouse. “Yeah, I like her a lot. More than you know.”

“Awe, good. I’m so happy for you, Brennon, really.” As my sister finishes speaking, there’s a screaming sound in the background, and the next thing I know, she’s cursing and muttering about how the kids are driving her up the wall. We say our goodbyes, and then I head into The Clubhouse with all of the food.
