Page 39 of Sarge's Downfall

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He picks up speed and starts thrusting into me faster and faster, his breathing jagged and hoarse. He breaks the kiss and just gazes into my eyes as he keeps sliding his cock in and out of me.

And that look, so full of devotion, passion, and belonging, is the final piece of the puzzle. I come so hard. Even his face is just a blur of color and light. I’m drowning in the waters of pleasure he brings for me, suffocating in the bliss. But I wouldn’t want it any other way. I want it just like this. Forever.

“You know how I said I wanted to explore what we have before?” he whispers later as we’re spooning under the covers.

“Yeah,” I say sleepily.

“What I actually meant was,” he says and pauses to take a shuddering breath, “I think I’m falling in love with you.”

I gasp, suddenly wide awake, but in the best way possible. I extricate myself from his arms so I can turn to face him. To see his gorgeous eyes as I say, “Oh, I’m definitely in love with you too, Brennon.”

He smiles. “Yeah, that’s what I meant. I love you, Luna.”

I kiss him then, gently and lastingly, the truth of his words, of his love, writing its own love story in my chest. A love story to rival even the one printed on the sheets we’re lying under. Because our story, in comparison to Romeo and Juliet’s, will have a happy ending. I know it will.



We left the hotel a little earlier than Luna wanted to. As I woke her up, she squirmed and grumbled about being woken up so early, but I felt it was best to leave around five so we could be back at the club by six. It ended up working out that way, and she caught some sleep while I drove.

I love riding around with Luna, whether it’s on the bike or in this truck. On the way here, the sun hadn’t come up all the way, and I remember one time I looked over at her while we were caught at a red light. She looked like a piece of artwork. The sun was shining like a silhouette around her body, causing her to glow beautifully. I knew Luna was a beautiful woman, but at that moment, I saw just how gorgeous she really was.

We already have all of her stuff in my room. Somehow, I managed not to take up too much space. Her bags are condensed in one corner of my bedroom, somehow looking like a mountain of stuff. It doesn’t look bad, but Luna’s sitting on the bed, staring at how monumental it is. “I am so sorry. I didn’t realize how much stuff I needed to bring with me, then you went and grabbed more. Bless you, for doing that, but . . . I feel really bad.”

I plop down on my bed beside her. “Don’t apologize for anything. It’s fine.” I’m not lying to her. It is fine. I’d rather her be here than back in Julian, subject to whatever that bastard felt like putting her through.

“Brennon, look at that pile.”

I do as she says, looking at the four suitcases stacked on top of each other and the five boxes beside them. It’s a lot of shit, but it’s not like Luna’s totally taking over my room. It’s really not a big deal, so I reiterate that. “It’s not a big deal, Luna. Seriously.”

“Okay . . . if you say so.”

“I am saying so. Wanna head downstairs and get some grub?” We haven’t eaten yet, and I don’t know about Luna, but I’m starved. I could honestly eat a whole cow right now.

“Yes, please. I’m starving, and I could really use a nice big cup of coffee.”

“Got it. We’ll put on a fresh pot, and then I’ll make you a sandwich, deal?”

“That sounds perfect,” Luna comments with a big smile.

We roll out of bed and head out of my room, hit the stairwell, and go into the kitchen area. Once we’re in the kitchen, I go over to the coffee pot and discard the filter and grounds from this morning in the trash. I pick up a coffee filter and add new grounds in, then fill the back of the coffee pot all the way to the twelve-cup line. I doubt Luna and I are going to drink the entire thing by ourselves, but I’m certain some of our brothers are going to come in and will want a cup or two. It’s still very early in the morning.

Once I hit the button, I grab a pan from under the island and place it down on the stove, turning the knob to the number three setting. I don’t want it too hot, but I want it warm enough to where it will cook our eggs quickly.

Luna leans against the other side of the island and has her eyes glued on me as I go to town. This is my favorite thing to make in the mornings. It doesn’t hurt that it’s quick and easy too. I grab four pieces of bread and put them in the toaster, not toasting them yet, though. I then grab four eggs out of the fridge, crack them and put them in a bowl, then put a little bit of water in the bowl and mix them up. Adding the water makes the eggs a little bit fluffier. After they’re mixed up, I put in salt and pepper, then add some garlic and onion powder. Just a dash of each, but it’s enough to totally transform the flavor. Once everything is all mixed up, I plop a little bit of butter in the pan and allow it to melt, then put the egg mixture in.

While the eggs are cooking, I push the button for my toast to cook and discard all of the trash. The last thing I need is a bit of cheese and two plates, so I get those out. “That smells so freaking good.”

“Wait until you taste it. It’s a total game changer,” I promise her, and she smiles at me in response.

I grab a spatula and flip the eggs over on their other side, ensuring they cook all the way through. After a couple of minutes, they look done, so I scatter the shredded cheddar on top of them and let the cheese melt.

By the time the cheese has melted, the pieces of toast are popping up, so I turn off the stove and move the eggs so they don’t burn. I spread butter on the pieces of toast and begin making the sandwiches just as the coffee pot is done. Luna goes through the cabinets and finds two mugs and pours us both a cup. I grab the milk from the fridge, and we proceed to make our coffee just the way we like it.

Luna takes that first bite into her sandwich, and I watch her, waiting for her to tell me how good it is. Her eyes go wide, and she chews so fast. “Holy crap. How is something so simple, so delicious?”

I shrug my shoulders. “My mom taught me how to make that when I was eight, I think. It’s been a staple in my life ever since. A damn good one if you ask me, and of course, I learned to add a few things to make it that much better over the years. If we had fresh tomatoes, I would’ve cut up a couple of slices and done that. It’s the fucking best, oh, and a little bit of bacon added too. Mmm.” I finally take a bite of my own sandwich when Agony comes in, looking groggy as fuck.
