Page 41 of Sarge's Downfall

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“You know what I told you. Well, Jada’s at the hospital, and I’m worried. She just went through a loss, and I think it might really hurt her to be there for them right now.”

“I thought Oakleigh was with Shiloh and Hammer?” Maybe Agony didn’t tell me everything.

“She was, but then Jada wanted to go. I was trying to tell her to stay here, but she told me if she didn’t go, she was going to regret it, so I let her do what she felt she needed to. She’s in so much pain, brother. I can see it on her face, and she keeps insisting that she’s okay. She isn’t okay.” Armor shakes his head in defeat.

“Jada’s a strong woman, brother. She wouldn’t get into anything she couldn’t handle. You know that.”

“Yeah, but fuck if I’m still not worried. I love her, and I don’t want her to be in pain. I know it won’t be like this forever. I know we’re gonna have a kid one day, but the wound is fresh for us both. I . . . I think she might be trying to distract herself, but in reality, she’s rubbing her face in a fresh wound without even realizing it.”

“I know it’s hard, but it will work out for the best man. Let her do what she needs to do for now. You experienced different shit when you guys lost the baby, just like she experienced different things too. I’m sure you both have your own ways of coping with that loss, but neither one of you are wrong for doing what you need to do. You feel me?”

“I do, doesn’t mean I have to like it. Fuck, I’m not trying to be controlling or anything. I just love the fuck out of her. You know?”

“I know what you’re sayin’, man. If Luna and I went through the same thing, I’m sure I’d be feeling the same way.”

“Luna? She back?” Armor raises both of his brows.

“Yeah, we got back this morning. I’m officially seeing her, label and everything.”

“Good for you, man. Seriously!” Armor flashes me a big smile, and then he gets a notification on his phone. He taps on it and then jumps up. “Reapers Rejects are out back. Let’s go say hello and get them settled.”

Sometimes I forget Armor gets notifications on his phone like that.

Armor heads up the stairwell, and I follow him. Then we’re going outside where the Reapers Rejects MC members are getting their duffle bags off their bikes and talking among themselves.

“Thanks for makin’ the trip and coming out here,” Armor states, and Damon, the Prez of the Las Vegas charter, smirks. It’s been a few years since I’ve seen him, but he looks to be like he’s in his early forties now. His wife is Kat, who is Reapers Rejects MC royalty. She’s the daughter of Tex and Roxy. Roxy’s brother was the Prez of the Montana charter until a few years ago when he handed off the baton to his son Zane, and he was killed shortly thereafter.

“It’s nothing. I was itchin’ for a reason to get out of Vegas for a bit anyway. How are you, brother?” Damon states.

“Good, just got some shit goin’ on that I need some help with. I appreciate all of you coming out to help us.” Armor looks at Cobra and then at the two prospects that tagged along with them, Ripper and Poison.

“No big deal, man,” Cobra adds. I can’t remember what position Cobra has within the club, but I’m pretty sure he’s just a full patch member. He’s been with the club for years but is a little younger than Damon. He’s also a little bit shorter, and I recall his loud mouth and banter from years ago. He’s like Jeff Dunham, honestly, always keeping his club laughing. There have been a few changes with him, like his brown hair is mostly salt and peppered now.

“We have two rooms upstairs for you two, then the couches downstairs area where the two of you will be makin’ yourselves comfortable. We have sheets, pillows, and all that,” Armor goes on to say.

“Awesome. It’s better than the floor,” Ripper comments, and Poison snickers. Now, she is a surprise. She’s a downright blonde bombshell who’s a fucking biker. That’s blowing my mind.

“Want to head inside and update us on what we’re dealin’ with?” Damon asks Armor, who nods.

We need to catch them up to speed and quick. I feel like Luna’s stalker is the least of our problems. We have a lot of shit we’re dealing with here at the clubhouse too . . . but nothing is a match for us.

We might be outnumbered with Diablo, but I can guarantee their men don’t have nearly as much spirit as we do.

We might not have as much financial resources as the Orchid Organization, yet I know for a fact that we have other tools at our disposal.

When it comes to that son of a bitch, Kevin, he has no idea what he’s getting into. I will kill for Luna, and Kevin is going to see that firsthand.



Brennon is busy with his duties for the MC this morning, so instead of waiting for him and being cooped up at the clubhouse, I decided to go for a walk outside. He told me to wait for him and that he won’t be long, but really, I don’t need to have a babysitter twenty-four seven. Plus, I kind of want to get a feel for LA on my own.

From what I’ve seen so far, mostly from the back of Brennon’s bike, it’s a bustling, laid-back sort of place, despite having a population of almost four million people. I’ve only been here twice, and I’m already starting to feel at home. And best of all, I don’t feel any of that tension and need for speed that seemed to hang in the air over NYC. Everyone was always in a hurry there, but here, that’s not so. Not even the business district downtown, which I’ve only seen a small part of so far, isn’t like that.

I’m walking around a cozy little neighborhood now, near the downtown area and also the Satan’s Raiders MC clubhouse. Brennon said it’d be a cool yet quiet and safe neighborhood for Stacey and me to live in, and I agree. The streets are lined with shops, and quite a few are up for rent. Stacey could rent one of the vacant places for her salon and walk to work, just like in Julian. And the number of fashionable, hip young people I’m sharing the sidewalk with tells me her salon would do very well here.

And I could walk to visit Brennon anytime I wanted. No need to take a bus or drive.
