Page 55 of Before We Came

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She’s feisty. I never doubted her strength, but seeing the fire in her up close, close enough to burn me, is so damn hot. I stand in the shower, one hand bracing me against the tile wall and the other gripping the steel between my legs. Lately, every shower I take has resulted in me beating my dick like it stole from me. Tonight is no exception.

I can’t stop thinking about her. Taking her in the hotel and making out with her on the sofa. How quickly the pulse in her neck was ticking, and how her body felt against mine when she straddled me and worked so hard to get herself off. The way she asked me to pull her hair and the noises she made when I did. I want to bury my cock deep inside her hot little cunt and wring every gasp, moan, and scream from her pouty lips.

“Damn it, Bridg.”

My balls jerk, and I let out a groan as ropes of cum spurt onto the marble.

It’s been forever since I’ve taken my time with a woman. Even at the hotel, it felt rushed. But no one else has wrapped themselves around my heart the way she has. If we’re going to do this, it has to be at her pace. I’ve already had a strike against me from Nikki showing up. After our spat, she knows where I stand, but the next move is hers. I will give her space to figure out her feelings, but eventually, she’ll realize she needs me as much as I need her.

Part of my attraction is biased because she was my childhood love, but she’s not that same girl anymore—this woman is fierce, and a darkness has grown in her over the years. She makes me feel seen and alive again. Being in the NHL, the women I meet are so often like self-absorbed moths, fluttering around, only attracted to the spotlight I’m under. But none stand a chance against her—because pretty birds eat moths.

There’s more to it than sexual attraction. She listens—we confide in each other our fears and dreams. I know she’s holding back, but progress is still progress. She doesn’t care about my career for any self-serving purpose. After games, she congratulates me and says she’s proud of me, and I see in her eyes she means every word. She’s genuine. She has her own hobbies and interests outside of me, and I love that. She’s independent and isn’t afraid to call me on my shit and make herself heard.

Tonight, she opened up and rained all hell down on me, and I could not have been more impressed. Some of that was her blowing off steam, but I didn’t overlook that she trusted me to be a safe space for her to unleash that anger. Having someone listen and care enough to fight back, confused her. She’ll soon learn I’m not going anywhere. Before coming home, I don’t think she remembers a time when someone fought for her.

She’s the woman I’ve been waiting for, someone I can have a future with, not just one night. But if that’s all she wants right now, I’ll be the one to give it to her. She’s hard up for sex and attention. I can see it in her eyes every time I praise her. I want to show her how good we can be together, but first, I need her to show me she wants it. It’s not only my heart on the line. If this goes south, it’ll risk the whole family dynamic, and I’ll disappoint the people I love most.

* * *

Our goalie, Kapucik, is rolling tonight, but his eyes are tired. Crosby—our other D—and I have been busting our asses trying to make his job easy, but we just can’t seem to turnover the puck enough. They get another goal, and I brush it off. We can’t let it get into our heads. I’ve still got hands, though my lungs burn. We’re getting our hats handed to us. Kapucik squirts his water bottle into the air, and he tracks the falling droplets with his eyes, regaining some of his focus.

The puck is dropped, and thank God Conway snags it. He runs it up and passes to Banks. Their defense takes the puck and sends it up the boards to their forwards. I meet them and overturn it. There’s a breakaway. Banks and Conway rush, and we get our first goal of the night. There are only a few minutes left in the third period, and we’re down by two. It gives the fans a shred of hope. It’s a shitty feeling when you know people are spending money on seats, and we can’t even give ’em one celly.

Thankfully, Winnipeg’s forward shows his ass and starts a fight. He gets sent to the penalty box for a minor, giving us a literal last-minute power play. With less than sixty seconds on the clock, Sully subs in, and we storm the ice. Sulls snaps one in before the horn sounds. We lost by one, but at least we gave the fans something exciting to cheer about at the end. But now that the game is over, I’m ready to see my girl. I need to get my ass on the bikes. My legs feel like lead. No doubt, my on-ice drills will be more demanding this week.

Back in the locker room, we go over the mistakes we made and opportunities we missed. While we hit the stationary bikes to flush the lactic acid, the guys make their plans for the bar.

“Burke, you coming out with us tonight?” Crosby asks.

“Nah, I’m good,” I say, adjusting the buttons on the bike. It’s been days since I’ve been home.

A few of them side-eye me, others make whipping sounds—even they have noticed how bad I have it for Birdie.

“Laugh it up.”

“Wait, are you serious about this girl?” Banks asks.

“Dead serious.” I give him a glare to make it known he will not move in on what’s mine.

“Have you locked her down?” Conway has turned into such a softy with relationships over the years.

“Trying to, but shit keeps getting in the way. I had her on the couch the other night and fucking Nikki walked in with her trenchcoat routine.”

Jonesy spins around to look at me and yells, “Oh shit” the same time Conway shouts, “Shut the fuck up.”

“Swear to God.”

“How did she even get up there?”

“Thought she was my dry cleaning. I had blocked her number a while back and didn’t know she was still making house calls. The notification came through that somebody was requesting access and my dumb ass approved it without even thinking.”

Most of the guys are cracking up at my expense. Glad somebody finds it funny.

“That sucks, man.”

“I know, it was bad. Think I’ve got myself out of the red though, she’s coming around.”

“Good luck, dude. She seems cool,” Banks says. I hesitantly nod in response. I still don’t trust him after he hit on Birdie at the bar, but I appreciate the support.
