Page 103 of Galata and Nutmeg

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“Uh, yeah it does,” Ginny chortles. “That’s pure Nate.”

“We’re all proud of what you’ve done, Meg, including Nate.” Camilla raises her glass. “To Meg!”

“To Meg!”

“To Meggsy!”

“I’m here, I’m here!” I swivel to see Roxe weaving her way through the throngs of people at the crowded bar.

I don’t hold any hard feelings towards Roxe. After all, you can’t choose your relatives and it is good to see her again. “You made it!”

“Sorry I’m late.” Flashing us a cheeky grin, she drops her hand bag on the table, calls out for a server and grabs a chair from the table beside her. “It’s been one of those days.”

I try to convince myself that I don’t care either way. “Oh?”

“Between the bloody ferries and my—” She stops awkwardly and begins to back-pedal. “Ferries were running slow today.”

“Nice try, Roxe.” Ginny sees right through her. “We all know you’re talking about the rock-star. Tell me I’m wrong?”

“I cannot confirm or deny anything.”

Courtney jumps in, still outraged on my behalf at Kaan’s behaviour. “Personally, I think we need to hunt down your brother and light his ass on fire!”

“That seems rather excessive, don’t you think?”

“I think it’s just enough.” Courtney’s retorts, turning to each of us incredulously. “Tell me Kaan doesn’t deserve to suffer for what he did to our Meggsy?”

Camilla smiles benignly at her girlfriend. She is used to Courtney flying off the handle. “Absolutely agree with you, babe, but pre-meditated murder isn’t always the answer.”

Courtney folds her arms across her chest and grunts. “It should be.”

“Can we change the subject, please?” I interject, hoping to steer the conversation away from my failed love life.

“Too right. That one hit wanker is the least interesting thing going on at the moment.”

Nate’s eyes light up in amusement as he tilts his head towards Courtney. “What could be more interesting that our Meggsy getting ghosted by a rockstar?”

“Come on guys. Aren’t we all a little bored with Kaan?” Roxe pipes up, surprising us all. “He’s my brother and even I think it’s tiresome.”

Ginny chimes in with a suggestion. “After today, let’s agree to never mention his name again.”

“Agreed,” everyone says in unison.

“As the owner of the shattered heart I think I’m entitled to have the final say.” Everyone groans for a second time, and I put my arms up in resignation. “Call it an epiphany if you will.”

“Oh no!” Courtney rolls her eyes jokingly. “Meg’s having another epiphany.”

“I’m going to win another 50 quid, for sure.”

“Get a life, Nate.”

“You first!” he fires back with a grin.

"Okay, okay!” I smile at Nate. “I know that the rock-star and I were destined to meet. And I was in love with him. But I was deluded to think he could ever love me back. I’m not sorry that I fell in love with him though. Look at what I’ve achieved! Would any of this happen if my heart wasn’t shattered?”

“You keep telling yourself that, Meg.”

“Although he might just end up being a character in my next book.”
