Page 104 of Galata and Nutmeg

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“I think we all recognised some of the characters from Sophie Stewart.” Courtney nods knowingly. “Arthur Patel positively reeked of Jeffrey Lund.”

I can’t help but laugh at her observation. “You’re right, they’re practically the same person.”

At that moment, the first few notes of “Shattered Pieces” fills the room and I freeze. Everyone’s eyes are on me as the familiar melody washes over me.

It’s like the universe is playing a cruel joke on me.

Roxe takes my hand and whispers something that I really don’t want to hear. “You know he’s staying with me.”

“I suspected as much.”

“Will you see him?”

“We’re not talking about him, remember?” I try to keep my voice steady but I’m failing miserably. “Let’s just enjoy our time together not let him ruin it.”

Ignoring the man on the screen singing about his shattered heart is easier said than done. Despite my efforts my eyes keep drifting towards the mounted TV on the wall. I try to keep my composure and prevent the tears from flowing, but it’s getting harder by the second.

“He’s been a mess without you.”

“He was a mess with or without me,” I add, my attempt at humour falling flat.

Roxe takes a deep breath, like she’s trying to gather her thoughts. “True, but he’s sober now, and has been for a long time. He misses you.”

I can’t help but laugh. “Roxe, you’re delusional. And Kaan and I were never really together to begin with. We just had a fling.”

“But it was more than that, Meg. You know it was.”

Roxe points at the screen across the room. It’s one of the simplest music video concepts ever. A close up on Kaan’s ruggedly handsome face as he croons about the shattered pieces of his heart, his fingers strumming his beloved Martin D-28 guitar, the same Martin D-28 that Roxe handed to him the night that I told him I loved him.

I can almost feel the emotions pouring out of him as he sings the last two lines, each note piercing my heart with its rawness and intensity.

In the shattered pieces of my heart, you'll live for eternity,

A haunting presence, a painful reminder of what will never be.

But it’s the moment when the single tear rolls down Kaan’s cheek that truly cements the performance as unforgettable. In that instant, you can see the pain etched on his face, the weight of his heartbreak crushing down upon him. It’s a moment of vulnerability that strips away any remaining defences and reveals the raw, human heart beating within.

Damn him!

I can feel Roxe’s eyes on me, waiting for me to say something. But what is there to say? I know it was more than just a simple breakup. We had something special, something that couldn’t be explained with just a few words.

“I know.” I shift uncomfortably in my seat, as my eyes fix on the towering structure in front of me. Galata Tower. Kaan had promised me that I could always find him there, but that was just another one of his lies. “It doesn’t change anything. He made his choices, and I have made mine.”

Nate drums his fingers on the table, following the rhythm of the music. “It must be tough to get over someone, especially when they’ve written the biggest selling song of the year about you.”

“Thanks for the reminder, Nate.” I flick him a foul look. “Sophie Stewart is the anti-romance heroine. She’s a champion for single women everywhere. She doesn’t need a man to be happy, and neither do I.”

“But if he misses you, and you miss him—”

“Stop right there, Roxe.” I cut her off, frustration building up inside me. “I’m done with Kaan.”

“But—” she starts to say, only to be cut off by my steely glare.

“There are no buts.” I turn my attention back to the TV screen but the sight of him is too much to bear. “Sorry guys, I have to go.”

“You just got here.”

“Where are you going?”

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