Page 27 of Galata and Nutmeg

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I just uploaded a photo of my coffee table with two mugs onto my social media. It’s a very subtle photo indicating nothing more than the fact that I am probably at home but in the background is a pair of long, jeans-clad legs, stretched out and a hand reaching for one of the mugs. In itself, pretty ambiguous, but every girl who has ever been madly in love with a teen idol or film star has memorised their hair, or their tattoos or even their butt. In the case of the Pretty Boy sitting opposite me, it’s always… ALWAYS… his late father’s wedding ring, and that ring is clearly visible on the hand reaching for the mug.

A notification pops up on my screen. ‘TheRealKaan’ is now following me.

“I don’t get it.” Nate scratches his face. “It could be anyone.”

“Itcouldbe anyone but to everyone in the know knows that it’s Kaan, and coupled with Brynn’s photo in the Mirror, and him now following me, it’s basically a declaration of love to the masses.” I grin at Kaan. “We are now Instagram official.”

Kaan stands and paces across the room before nodding in agreement. “I guess it’s true, you really are worth all the money I’m paying you.”

“It’s not enough, I promise.”

He waves his arms around my tiny sitting room. “Now that I’ve seen where you live, I have to agree with you!”

“This is going to be a lot of work if we want to make this mess disappear.”

“You can do it!”

“I guess I’m babysitting the rock star, then.” I look him up and down as he leans against the kitchen bench, looking somewhat deliciously scruffy in a pair of ripped jeans and a flannel shirt. He flashes that white-hot grin of his at me and I feel the blood rush to my face (and to other places). I scowl at him. “Don’t point that grin at me, Pretty Boy!”

He shrugs nonchalantly. “People like my smile.”

“Didn’t you once say to me, and I quote, that people are ‘pretty fucking stupid’?”

“Touché, Nutmeg.Touché.”


The Mastermind Behind My Comedy of Errors


This story just keeps getting juicer!

After the events at Brown’s Hotel, it seems that disgraced Kaan, the ex-bassist of Seven Crows, has indeed been keeping a low profile. But I’ve got the scoop on what’s really been going on.

According to a source close to Kaan, Blair Roberts’ aggressive behaviour at the party may not have been due to just alcohol, but also to her alleged history of substance abuse. Apparently, when under the influence, she’s been known to become “paranoid” and “aggressive”. This information certainly puts a different spin on the events of the night, doesn’t it?

But it seems that Kaan’s troubles are far from over. I’ve been told by a producer working on his new album that the material is “absolute rubbish”. Ouch! It seems that the label is now actively looking for a reason to drop him, and Kaan’s recent behaviour is not helping his case.

In fact, I wouldn’t be surprised if the label is secretly hoping that Kaan gets arrested again himself, just to give them a valid excuse to cut ties with him.

It’s a harsh world out there in the music industry, folks!

I’m Pippa Ellis, and this is Fame and No-sense.

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Soon enough Brynn, Nate and Courtney say their goodbyes and I find myself staring blankly at the closed door, trying to decide what to do next.

Did I forget that Kaan had made himself very comfortable in my tub chair, looking like he was modelling for GQ or some shit, sending tingles down to my sexy bits?


Do I wish I were literally anywhere else on earth than here right now?

Also no.

My mobile starts chirping, but rather than my usual iPhone ringtone, a heavenly choir is singing, ‘Hallelujah’.
