Page 146 of Unsealing Her Fate

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“Oh, I wish that were true.”

Andrew’s eyes go distant for a second, seemly lost in another world or lifetime. My heart aches for him. I wish I could help him, but until he tells me everything, I’m afraid there isn’t much I can do.

We say our goodbyes, promising to see each other soon.

Finally, it’s just Jack and me. “If you want to go—”

“If you think for one minute I’m leaving you, you must be delusional.” He scoffs at me before coming over to the bed and taking the spot Addy occupied when I first woke up.

“I’ll not going anywhere. Now sleep. I’ve got you.”

His intoxicating scent and warmth from his body lull me into a peaceful sleep. I finally let go of all the worry, fear, and uncertainty, knowing without a doubt now that Jack and I can finally start our life together.

Chapter 41


Idon’twanttoleave her, but I also can’t stand the idea of not confronting the man who took so much from the woman I love. I need to look him in the eye. Something is nagging me in the back of my brain. He never admitted to the fire when he was so open about everything else.

I keep telling myself it doesn’t matter. He admitted enough to keep his ass in jail for the rest of his life. But I want all the loose ends tied. Andrea deserves that. Complete and utter closure. Frankly, I need it, too.

I never thought I could love like this. After all that shit with my college girlfriend, I just wasn’t interested in putting myself out there. But Andrea came in and knocked me on my ass.

I smile just thinking about that woman. Brave, kind, smart, and fucking beautiful. She’s the whole package, and I’m one lucky bastard.

“Hey, Jack. We’ve been holding off the deputies here to transport Gates. Take the time you need. I think we’re still looking for his transfer papers,” Sarge says with a wink. He slaps me on the back, urging me towards the interrogation room.

I might have lied a little to Andrea. I didn’t need to come in and interview him, but I sure as hell want to. I want to watch his face when he realizes it’s all over. His life is done, and my girl was the one to take it from him.

I take a second to gather my thoughts. I can’t go in there like a crazed boyfriend. I don’t want him to lawyer up right away.

Ready to face the bastard, I open the door to the interrogation room. Christopher is handcuffed and sitting on a metal chair. His cocky demeaner bleeds into the room. This fucker is too stupid to realize we have him confessing on tape.

He looks up and smirks at me. “Who the fuck are you?”

“I’m Detective Lawson.” I move toward the table and take the seat across from him.

“Fucking finally. Look, I don’t know whyI’mthe one in cuffs. That bitch tried to kill me, and it was self-defense.”

“Self-defense, huh? That’s funny because it seems that you were the perpetrator in every way.”

He raises his hands up slamming them back down. “It’s her word against mine, and I’m a state senator!”

I actually laugh at this man. He’s trying to spin a story that would be unbelievable even if we didn’t have the cameras, but that’s the problem with pretentious assholes. They think they shit gold, and we all just take their word for it.

“Well, see, there are a couple of problems with that.” I raise my eyebrows holding up my fingers to count off the reasons why he’s full of shit. “First, she was across the room from you. Nowhere close enough to cause you actual harm.”

He starts to argue, but I continue speaking as though the scumbag hasn’t said a word.

“Second, we have witnesses who say you threatened her and then pulled out the gun.”

His face blanches.Just wait until I get to the kicker, asshole.

“Last and most importantly, we have you on camera admitting to all of it. Every last horrible thing you’ve done in your despicable fucking life. All but one.”

I lean forward, holding eye contact with the man. I want to wrap my hands around his neck and squeeze the fucking life out of him for hurting Andrea. My stomach turns with how much I want to kill this man, but he deserves to rot in jail. Death would be too easy.

His face has turned a pasty white color at this point. I laugh at how fucking pathetic he looks. The arrogant man who sat there when I first came has withered away right in front of me. And that gives me great pleasure.
