Page 82 of Unsealing Her Fate

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“I think I can do that for you,” I manage to squeeze out with a nervous but genuine smile.

We pull up to the café in record time, and I hop out of the truck. I inhale deeply, hoping the fresh air will clear out the very inappropriate thoughts my mind had when Jack smiled at me like that.

Oh, my. How am I going to live directly next to this man? I feel like a horny teenager suddenly. I can’t get distracted, least of all with a man like Jack! I can’t even tell the man my real name!

I unlock the door as I feel Jack’s presence move in behind me. He’s much closer than what I would consider a professional or appropriate distance. I hesitate while opening the door, enjoying the heat coming off of this beautiful man.

What am I doing?

I shake my head and force myself into action, opening the door. I clear my throat and gesture toward the counter. “Give me a minute to get the pot going.”

I hurry off to the back, taking a few seconds to gather myself. I’ve never felt anything like this before. Certainly not with Christopher. What he and I had was born out of comfort. We’d known each other for so long that it seemed like a natural next step.

Electric heat fills the space between Jack and me in the café, no matter where I stand. It seems to follow me. It’s intense and messing with my head. I don’t think I like it. If this was any other time in my life, I wouldn’t hesitate to explore it. But that’s not my life right now, and I can’t risk it.

I’m lost in my thoughts while the coffee brews, and I soon realize I’m being rude. I turn around and blurt out the first thing that comes to mind. “I would love for you to come over for dinner tonight.” My heart slams in my chest as panic immediately ensues.Why did I say that!I blush hard, stammering as I continue. “You know, to say thank you for everything!” I mentally slap my forehead.

Way to be subtle, Andrea. Weren’t you just telling yourself nothing could happen between you two?

Jack seems amused with a rather charming, crooked grin. “Well, my first question is, can you cook?”

I think he’s teasing me a bit, but I answer anyway. “Not really.” I laugh and shrug my shoulders dismissively.

His rich, full laugh echoes loudly around me, which makes me bite my lower lip. It’s the right amount of husky, and it’s so deep I can feel that sound all the way down to my core.

Or as I’d like to refer to it right now and forever more regarding the detective: my "not-to-be mentioned because that can never happen between us” parts.

“Second question. What time?”

Charlie walks in, all smiles as usual. “What time for what?”

That girl has no sense of privacy, but I love her all the same. Still, I’ll never hear the end of this now.

“Oh, nothing,” I say noncommittally, hoping it flies.

And of course, my luck only comes in the form ofbadas Jack opens his mouth before I even finished the second syllable.

“Andi invited me to dinner.”

I inwardly sigh. Well, this isn’t awkward at all. “I wanted to thank Jack for giving me a place to stay and driving me to work this morning. It’s nothing more than that, so don’t go making a bigger deal of it.” I quirk a knowing brow at her.

She raises her hands in surrender, but there’s a small grin on her face that tells me she was most definitelynotinnocent.

“Now, why would you ever think I’d do such a thing, bestie?”

I roll my eyes, then narrow them at her. I lean toward her and whisper, “Behave,” out the side of my mouth.

Charlie stands beside me at the counter, and she must take pity on me because she drops it. “I see you’re getting your coffee early this morning, huh Jack?”

“Figured I might as well,” Jack states flatly.

The coffee finished brewing so I make quick work of getting it poured and sugared up. He takes the cup I offer him, and as usual, our fingers touch. That familiar zing of heat and energy races up my arm, bringing goosebumps as he immediately lifts it to his lips.

“Let’s say around six?” I ask.

“Sounds good. See you then.” He directs a smile only at me, turns, and then walks out the door before calling a quick “bye” to Charlie as well.

“Well, hot damn, girl! I can feel the chemistry from here!”
