Page 103 of The Last Sacrifice

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He placed the smaller cooler down on the bar, stepping around the counter to the shelves stacked with glass bottles. Reaching up, he pulled down a bottle of whisky. Twisting the cap off, he poured the golden brown liquid into one of the few clean glasses left. Taking a heavy breath, he lifted it to his lips. Downing first one, then a second, almost without thought.

His eyes finally lifting to glare at the cooler sitting on the bar. What the fuck was he doing?

Draven would have his head for what was in the vials, waiting innocently out of sight. Hell, he had hunted down traitors for less.

His fingers tightening around the bottle, he poured another half glass. He had truly lost his mind. There was too much risk in defying Draven. Yet there the cooler sat. Mocking him.

A benign ticking bomb.

Looking up at the creak of the stairs, he didn’t have to force the tired smile that creased his face as Ghost made her way towards him.

Her stride was as confident as ever. All signs of injury gone. Dumping her knapsack at her feet, she leaned against the bar. Taking his glass out of his fingers, she downed it easily.

“You seem to be feeling better,”

“It’s amazing what a good hunt and a shower will do,” giving him a smile. Ghost shrugged her shoulders. “You’re right, silver bullets hurt like a bitch,”

“I’ve been telling you that for years,”

“Well, achievement unlocked, I guess,” pushing his empty glass back towards him, she shook her head. “I thought this was supposed to be a simple job,”

“yeah well, nothing with Draven is ever as it seems,”

“What’s in the box?” Tapping the cooler, she raised an eyebrow as he poured another glass of whisky.

“With the assignation attempt on Draven’s bride, Ive gotten some new suppressant” it was nothing more than saline. But unlike most, Hyde could lie showing no tells or giving off a deceit smell. Being a half demon had some perks. “Best to be sure that her supply hasn’t been tampered with. “

“Bloody hell, I hadn’t thought of that,” her brow furrowing as she frowned down at the blue cooler.

“I will send it over with the doc before her injection” he would have taken it himself, but he wanted the freedom of Draven, assuming he was still too weak to be of use.

“Well, I’m about to head there, so I will take it.”


Her mouth dropping open ever so slightly, her hand hesitating over the white handle, Ghost stared up at him

Straightening, he forced his voice to a more even tone.

“You’re not going back” just the thought of the saline being discovered in her possession was enough to make his gut twist. “Its too dangerous. I want you to head out immediately to camp” he needed her safely out of the city. Out of Draven’s immediate reach.

She dropped her hand to the countertop and fixed him with a cold, hard stare.


The one word was soft but firm.

“I’m not going anywhere without seeing Talia first. She needs to see that I’m ok. You dont know how upset she was when you were hurt.”

Not allowing himself to focus on how his heart leapt that she had been concerned for him at all, Hyde shook his head.

“This isn’t a debate Ghost” his words were stern, as he poured himself a fresh glass.

“I’m her only friend and I’m worried about her,”

“It’s not your job to be her friend,” His voice softening with sympathy. “You wanted a chance to prove that you can do these jobs. I gave it. But you’re getting too close now.” Advice he should be bloody listening to. There were too many lives that depended on him to keep Draven at bay. Yet he was risking it all for one woman’s life.

“she thinks you’re her friend. That you will protect her.”
