Page 106 of The Last Sacrifice

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The headlights of theblack car lit up the winding road as the city lights disappeared from view behind them. The darkness of the night wrapping around them as they drove into the hills surrounding the city.

Draven’s fingers tightened on hers as the car finally turned onto a private property.

“I hope you like everything here. My people have been working all day to make it as perfect for us as possible.”

The worry in his voice made her smile gently at him. That this powerful man. This vampire king should even be worried that she, like something, made her heart melt.

“The only thing I care about is that you’re there. It could be a tent and I would still be happy.” Bringing her fingers to his lips, he kissed them gently.

“You’re too good for me,”

“Hardly” Leaning forward, she pressed a kiss to his lips. Her stomach clenching in a knot as his tongue swept over hers. Her toes curling with pleasure even as she drew back with a shaky breath.

Shaking her head, she blinked as a sudden wave of nausea making the hairs on the back of her neck stand on end. She had never experienced motion sickness from traveling before. Swallowing hard, she relaxed into a forced smile as the feelings passed. Almost as quickly as they had as they had risen.

“Are you well?” Draven pushed the strands of her hair back off her face, her brow creasing with concern. She nodded, gently squeezing his fingers. As the car rounded the last corner of the long drive, she craned her neck to look.

Nestled between tall trees, the lodge stood aglow in the night. The view of the distant city behind it creating the perfect backdrop. With the city lights spreading out below them, like an enchanting canvas of twinkling stars as far as her eye could see. It seemed so close, but she knew they had driven miles to be here.

The car finally coming to a slow rolling stop by the front door.

“You ready?”

“I was born ready,”

Kissing the back of her hand, Draven smiled as the car door opened. A suited servant stepping back, his vampiric eyes glinting in the dim light. As he gave a deep bow.

She still hadn’t gotten past the desire to shiver whenever she met a new vampire. Their eyes, unlike Draven’s, always seemed so cold, predator like. Reminding her that she was nothing but food.

Stepping out first, Draven turned, offering his hand to her. Taking a deep breath, she let him pull her gently out of the car. Her hair stirring in the breeze as she drank in the sight.

The house was as opulent as Draven’s designs always seemed to be. A low modern building with a hint of old world Tuscan grace giving the entrance a welcoming feel. Moving past the pillars, she shot a glance over her shoulder to smile at Ghost as her bodyguard turned bridesmaid got out of the car that had pulled up behind theirs.

This place was perfect. Alcoves filled with the soft flickering light of candles lined the room. Dozen’s of fairy lights draping delicately across the tall arches and ornate corners. It stood, holding its breath with romantic anticipation.

She was going to get married here. Fingers tightening around him, she let him lead her inside; her smile growing with each loud step on the marble tiles.

She didn’t know what to look at first. The floor to ceiling windows showcasing the view that had caught her breath when she had first arrived. The black leather lounges near the baby grand piano, the bookcases lined with leather-clad books or the two people entering the room.

Making their way over to where she stood with Draven, the older man bowed his head in greeting to Draven. before turning his attention to her with a smile. While the woman who accompanied him stood behind him. Her attention was firmly on Talia. Her cool blue eyes taking in every detail of her silken dress, high heels and loose, almost unruly curls falling around her shoulders.

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