Page 105 of The Last Sacrifice

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At the creak of the door opening, she looked up. Her breath catching as Ghost walked in. A tray in hand, leather boots loud on the floor again. Ghost kicked the door closed behind her, a mischievous grin spreading across her face.

“Miss me?”

Barely giving her a chance to place the tray down, Talia crossed the floor and threw her arms around the leather-clad woman. Hugging her tightly, she blinked back tears as Ghost hugged her back.

“I was so worried about you,” she whispered the words into Ghost’s neck.

“Well, that was a waste of good time,”

With a gentle laugh, Talia disengaged and smiled. “You’re just in time”

Ghost raised her eyebrows, "Are you running away?" glancing at the suitcase.

Talia rolled her eyes, undoing the tie of her nightgown before moving to the table.

“Hardly” sliding off the robe, she sat by the tray. She hated having the damn drug that stole her magic away. But it would be far too tempting to reach for her magic. Some habits die hard. And there was no way she was going to give the Inquisition a way to ruin her wedding.

“I wanted to ask if you would be my maid of honour?”

“Oh, wow,” picking up the syringe, Ghost hesitated. “Are you sure Draven would be fine with that pick? Perhaps you should choose one of his vampires.”

Talia pulled a face, before bracing herself for the sting of the needle as Ghost pressed it into her skin.

“You’re my only friend here. Draven understands that.” Pulling in a small breath “Please say yes” meeting Ghost’s eyes, she smiled encouragingly. She knew the werewolves were considered some sort of second-class citizens among the vampires. It was something she planned to change once she was Draven’s wife. They didn't live in the dark ages anymore, and it was time that certain traditions changed with the times.

She had told herself that if Ghost said no, she wouldn’t be disappointed. That she would understand. But watching the hesitation fill her friend's eyes, she knew she had been lying to herself. She needed her friend to say yes.

Taking a deep breath, Ghost gave a slow nod.

“Its full moon tomorrow night, but I think I can skip camp this one time,”

“You don’t turn into a crazy wolf person?” Talia couldn’t keep the question from slipping past her lips.

With a chuckle, Ghost shook her head and returned the empty syringe to the tray.

“Oh hell no, I have way more class than that. "

Placing her hand against over her heart, Ghost titled her chin high. “I am a natural-born Lycan. The moon provides me with strength. It is only the weaker feral’s, the once human, that can't control the strength that the full moon gives them.”

Talia laughed softly as she pulled her robe back over her shoulders.

“In that case, welcome to being the only person on the bride side of this shindig,”

“Well, if you're going to be crazy and marry someone you’ve just met. I gotta show up and toast it.”

Talia gave a grin and made her way back over to the wardrobe. “I know, totally crazy. Just wish my grandmother could have met him first.” Pulling a red dress off the hanger, Talia shrugged. “But I know she would want me to be happy. And I feel like I have known Draven forever,”

“If you're sure, but no matter what, Ive got your back.”

“Well, right now you need to try this dress on,” grinning even wider at Ghost’s doubtful expression. Handing her the silk dress, Talia laughed. “No leather pants allowed”

“This is such a bad idea,”
