Page 111 of The Last Sacrifice

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“I will join you in a couple of days,”

“There isn’t a single wolf in our pack that wouldn’t risk their life to back you up.”

“No. Keep them at the camp” He had to keep his pack as far away from whatever crazy bullshit plan he came up with. Until he was dead, Draven could control anyone of his wolves. Hyde was the only one that had any resistance to it at all.

“Go, keep our pack together.” Valentine looked like he was going to argue before closing his mouth and making his way to his bike.

“Call and we will be there” it would take the Titans over an hour to return to the city. But Hyde nodded anyway.

“Thank you” giving him a terse nod, Valentine backed his bike towards the exit. The engine roaring to life as he drove into the night. Towards the pack.

Was he really going to do this? His lips twisting into a cruel smile. Oh, fuck yes. He would kill Draven and claim Talia for himself.

Throwing his leg over his bike, Hyde kicked the stand up. It was time to leave this forgotten graveyard and head back into the city. His fingers on the ignition, pausing as his mobile rang.

He frowned and took it out of his jeans pocket. Staring at the unknown number. Hyde declined the call. Pocketing it, his hand hovering over the ignition as it vibrated and rang again. Louder than the first.

Pulling the phone back out, he stared at the unknown number. His finger drifting from decline to accept.

“Who the fuck is this, and it had better be good?”

“This is grandma” he would know her voice anywhere. She sounded so similar to Talia that he softened his own voice as he spoke cautiously

“What do you want?”

“you demon, I want you. “


THE SHEET SLID SLOWLYover her skin, the soft cool material clinging to her curves as inch by inch it left her exposed to the light of the dancing fire. The material pulling against her nipples, tightening to a pink peak with every sensation. Yet she didn’t open her eyes. Keeping her breath even deep. She didn’t even stir as the material pooled lower over her belly. Every nerve lighting as the soft silk ran softly between her legs. Quivering, she let herself move with the sheet as it ran over her knees and finally over her feet and toes.

Nude to the warm air, it took all her self-control to keep her breaths even. Her face smooth as she lay under his eyes.

A growing molten need consumed her as, finally, the bed dipped under his weight. His touch feather light against her skin as his hand ran up the length of one leg, then the other as he slowly spread them apart.

It was impossible to hide her arousal. Her core throbbed,aching for his touch. The anticipation of his lips on her skin was all-consuming. Making it even harder to remain still. She could feel herself trembling, resisting the urge to writhe her hips closer to him.

A sweet torture. Waiting for the moment, the moment his head dipped to taste her.

No longer able to hide her reaction. Her whole body igniting. She jolted with pleasure as his tongue parted her. Stroking with a firm path, his tongue teasing her swollen bud. His hands moving to hold her thighs in place as her legs trembled. A soft gasp escaping from between her lips. Despite her best intentions.

The sound of his growl filled the air as he pinned her legs open with his hands. Demanding more access as his tongue danced expertly over her sex. Dragging quick gasps of growing pleasure from her lips. Hands twisting the sheet under her, Talias’ eyes opened wide as she inhaled sharply.

His tongue splitting, surrounding her clitoris, doubling every sensation as she writhed under him. His soft growl of dominance filling the air as shudders of rising heat enveloped her. Cresting her whole being shuddering with ecstasy, she cried out.

Gasping for breath, she tried to twist away, yet his hands clasped her in place. Glancing down at the dark head between her thighs, Talia shivered as his mouth lowered to her again.

The dark, large room was a blur. His insistent mouth teasing her to climax again and again till soft sounds of begging escaped her lips.

He rose off the bed, his dark, broad form bathed in shadows as the flames from the fireplace burned low behind him.

Pulling his pants off himself with one sure rip, he stood staring down at her. Her body still trembling with echos of pleasure, a deep need aching within her, Talia reached for him.

With a ferocity that sent a dark thrill racing through her, he claimed her mouth with his kiss. His hand entangling in her hair at the back of her neck, crushing her to him. His primal need cascaded over both of them as his body bent her back down to the bed. Moving over her, his hands moulding down her side. His eyes flashing red in the darkness as he lifted his mouth from hers to gaze down at her.

His hips moving his manhood against her moist centre. Teasing them both, prolonging the moment. A sweet torture.

