Page 112 of The Last Sacrifice

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A flash of a smile was her only answer as his hands slid under her buttocks. Lifting her firmly, he slid his full length deep within her with one sure, slow movement.

Inhaling deeply at the feel of him filling him, she met his eyes for a moment. His whole body was still, his intense gaze pinning her in place as he withdrew almost completely before sliding within again.

Each stroke was slow and deliberate. Before he growled low in his throat, the fire behind him flaring as his arm snaked around her waist, lifting her to his lap. His mouth claiming her as he buried himself deep with one sure thrust.

Wrapping one arm around his neck for balance, Talia moved for him. Her body arching with every movement. Gasping for air, she felt each thrust becoming more forceful than the last. His grip on her hips was almost bruising. Desire and need fusing into one. She dug her nails into his skin as pleasure flooded through her.

His eyes looked almost feral as he growled. He moved, hungry for every inch she gave. Fire erupting behind them. Lost in erotic pleasure of her body. Her breath echoing in the room as they moved. Molten need exploded in her again as flames seemed to lick the surrounding walls.

Bathed in the red glow of the surrounding fire, he moved her with one sure lift onto her back. His eyes were unrelenting, his hands capturing hers, pinning them over her head.

His muscled body still moving with her. Red skin glistening with sweat as he drove himself deep. Wrapping her legs around him, Talia lifted her hips to meet his furious passion.

Her body climaxing more than she thought possible. Her head rolling back, Talia gasped for a desperate breath. Lost in the rhythm, lost to the beat of their bodies, her whole being shuddering with a pleasure forbidden to most.

His claws scrapping over her skin as his grip tightened. The heat from the flames almost scorching her skin as even the roof overhead the massive bed seemed to burn and smoulder.

His cry when it came was loud. His whole body rocking against hers as his head was thrown back. Dark, wide wings unfurling, horns rising from his hair as he let his barriers drop between them. Giving his self over to release.

Staring up at the demon over her, Talia shivered as her whole body felt electrified. Every nerve ending tingling with the ebbs of an orgasm that wasn’t hers. The entire room thrumming with power as his body shuddered above hers.

His glowing eyes refocusing on her before slowly lowering his mouth to hers.

His lips gently brushed against hers, his thumbs brushing away the tear that had started to trail down her cheek. Their fingers intertwining as he stared into her eyes with a burning intensity.

His fierce gaze possessive, protective.

“I will come for you.” The promise broke every rule that he had sworn to follow. Yet she believed him. Her fingers tightening around his as his hips started to move again.

Pleasure spilling through her, she lost track of time and place, her mind spiralling.

Talia shuddered as the sound of an alarm sounded in the distance, growing louder even as he pressed her closer. His face revealed in the firelight.


She knew it in every fibre of her being that the demon pressing over her was Hyde in a full demonic form. His eyes searing into her soul as the dream started to fade. Another tear falling.

Eyes opening to the room at the lodge, Talia felt her cheeks wet with tears, her body tingling with remembered pleasure.

Her heart empty, she rolled into a ball in the middle of the large king-size bed. Her body still trembling from his touch as a new tear slipped past her eyelashes.

Her fingers turning the alarm on her phone off. A sense of deep loss filling her. She tried to think past a thought that just made no sense to her.

She was marrying the wrong man.
