Page 113 of The Last Sacrifice

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Kneeling surroundedby candles and chalk, Hyde glared at Talia’s grandmother. His hands bound behind his back, small wisps of smoke the only proof that the blessed chains were burning him at all.

His wolven red eyes promising pain to the women that surrounded him.

“You have no idea what you're trying to wake in me,” his voice a low growl that vibrated with dark power. His head turning slowly from side to side, taking each of their scents in. He was going to enjoy this hunt. Arcandian meat was tender, their blood rich in power was a high he had banned his pack from tasting.

But his pack wasn't here.

A slow grin spreading across his face at the thought.

“This is a bad idea,” crossing her arms. The red-headed Sentinel spoke over him.

A warrior. He would hunt her first.

“I don’t think his control is what you think it is,”

“Hyde, look at me,”

With a frown, he directed his gaze towards the grandmother. He could see past the ageing spell she had in place, hiding her youthful blonde hair and blue eyes so familiar it brought a growl of frustration to his lips.

“Let me go and I might not kill you,”

“You agreed to this,” her voice calm as she ignored the warning hand of the priestess to step closer, “you insisted on being bound.”

Protection circle or not, she was close enough that he could take out her throat with one bite. His muscles tensing under him.

“Your willpower is incredible, Hyde. You have suppressed almost all your demonic nature. The anger and violence that your feeling is just the tip of the iceberg of what will happen when we merge your wolf with your demon.”

“Such a bad idea,” the Sentinel muttered, shrugging off the warning glare from the priestess as she adjusted her long leather coat. “Send my team, I will have this done before she weds, we don’t need this...” waving her hand at Hyde “risk,”

“We discussed this, Aveline,” the dark-haired coven priestess spoke softly but firmly. “This is the only way” Her tone forbidding any further discussion. Rolling her eyes, the Sentinel leaned against a nearby wall. Her gloved palm rubbing restlessly across the hilt of the sword at her hip.

Kneeling on the other side of the salt ritual circle. The grandmother met his gaze without flinching.

“We need you to get it the fuck together,” the curse word dropping from her lips caught his attention fully, “demon or wolf. It no longer matters. We finish this ritual now or Talia dies.”

Fury, dark and pure, roared, undulated through his mind. The dark, demanding swell of heat rolling off him as his whole being filled with a rush of adrenaline. Pulling his arms wide, the unholy chains falling broken to the concrete floor as he stood to his full height. He had to get to Talia. Now.

At Aveline standing to her full height, several sentinels stepped into the room. Hands on weapons. Waiting. Ready to attack him if he broke the circle of protection.

Flames dancing over his darkening skin, he roared his rage out in a single thundering challenge. The red eyes glowed as they lowered to assess the threat brought by the Arcandian guards before dismissing it. His eyes moving to stare at the power simmering under the salt circle that surrounded him.

A circle he had demanded they make. Shaking his head, Hyde forced himself to think past the chaos his demon always brought. The pain it forced him to carry. He never comprehended what fueled its insatiable hunger. He loathed everything about it.

It was the reason they took away his mother. It was the reason his family had hated him. He never asked or wanted the darkness and evil that lurked in every part of him, always trying to get out.

But now he had to embrace it, to merge it with his beast. The beast that had helped keep it at bay.

His wolf. A natural part of this world had been a balm to his soul he hadn't known he had needed. But now he had to kneel. He had to corrupt his wolf and himself with the vile touch of his father's darkness.
