Page 114 of The Last Sacrifice

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Resisting the urge to break the salt line, to escape this choice. Hyde forced his body to kneel.

Wolf or demon, it no longer mattered. All that mattered was her.

Talia. for her, he would break his promise to his mother. For her, he would sacrifice everything one last time.

Damning his own soul.

The priestess's voice called forth to his wolf, coaxing it to rise even as he held tight to the demonic energy filling him. But his wolf had spent too long helping to keep the darkness at bay. It surged forward, metaphysical teeth snarling.

Bracing himself, Hyde tried to take the hit. Buckling as his wolf flooded over and through him. Its strength honed for one thing. To push out the demonic power that Hyde was holding onto.

Screaming as the two forces met. Black wolf and demon slamming into each other. Cuts and blood breaking apart his skin as they battled within him for dominance.

Riding the agony, Hyde barely heard the chanting of the surrounding witches. He was being torn apart from the inside out. Screaming, he felt his body convulsing.

Wolf or demon, it no longer mattered. He had to become one. He had to become something more. No more fucking hiding.

Letting the chant of the witches pull him up out of his body, Hyde moved forward and grabbed both beasts that were part of him. His left hand clenched the black fur of his wolf, while his right squeezed the throat of his red-skinned, horned self.

“We will be one,” every word dripping with ancient command

Dropping his defences, his willpower pulling them closer, he opened himself to them fully. Screaming as they flowed over him, into him. Flooding through every cell and thought he ever had. His screams were long and loud, echoing around him.


TALIA SAT IN FRONTof the mirror, her eyes fixed on her reflection. Her blonde hair hanging in damp curls around her bare shoulders. Her face was white and eyes slightly too round.

She needed to pull herself together.

One dream should not have the power to derail completely how she felt about Draven. Her long-lost love. Who, she was going to remarry. In less than three hours.

She had to pull herself together.

With the drugs in her system for weeks now, there was no way her dream was a vision. It couldn’t be. No matter how real it felt. No matter how familiar it seemed. It was nothing more than a naughty dream.

Taking a deep breath, she straightened her shoulders. Blinking away the warm pricks of threatening tears. She let herself breathe out slowly. Re-centring herself, as her grandmother taught her to do.

It had only been one dream. One intense dream.

There was no missing the blush that rose to her cheeks at just the thought.

It felt so real. His touch on her body, the pleasure that had rippled through her even as she woke. Even in the shower, she could still taste the sweetness of his lips on her tongue.

Standing with a sharp breath. She stepped away from the dressing table, her whole body reacting with a deep ache that pulled at her insides. She wanted to see him.

It was dumb. And so not going to happen. But there was no denying the wish to see him before she ...

Talia looked up as the door opened, pausing as Ghost stepped into the room. Walking with the dress held out in front of her like an ivory flag of lace and silk.

Simone, entering behind, gently closed the door.

The priestess was dressed in an all black and purple corseted dress. The open slit stopping modestly at the thigh, hinting a flash of garter. Her hair already braided into an up do and her makeup perfect.

“You’re like no priest I’ve ever met,”

“You never joined a coven?” Simone’s voice was lightly surprised.

Shaking her head, Talia followed Ghost over to the bed where she was laying her wedding gown. Touching the lace, she gave a small smile. The dress was beautiful; she had almost forgotten how much she liked it. Considering the last time she saw it, it had been covered in Ghost’s blood.

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