Page 122 of The Last Sacrifice

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Taking a step backwards, it was pure instinct that had him spinning out of the way of a vampiric claw at his back. He had drawn too close to the still chanting audience.

Before he could retaliate, Ghost was attacking him again.

Her body full of the moon’s power and Draven’s command. She was a lethal combination of grace and determination. Even as he moved with her. Blocking her furious rain of attacks. His gaze flickering to Draven behind her. Arguing with the high priest, the vampire king was turning back towards Talia. The blood around the altar igniting as he stepped back into the ritual circle.

The beginning of a dark portal opening, starting to take shape as Simone stood with her back to them all, dark speech falling from her lips as she called forth what was waiting.

Blocking every blow, Ghost’s claws slicing into his forearm, he pulled her to him. His entire body pinning her against him. Drowning her in the sense of her Alpha. Her pack. He growled in her ear, his words low.

“You will kill the high priest.” His power was unmistakable as he pulled upon the pack’s energy. An invisible force that pressed against her like a physical weight. It swirled around her, binding her to him and his will. The vampire’s control was no match for the dark, dominant force of his demon packed by the most powerful pack on earth. His aura crushing over hers. He was her Alpha, her father, and her pack. Nothing was more powerful.

Her eyes opening wide as she broke free from Draven’s control.

Not giving her a chance to answer. His free hand grasping her around her waist before throwing her high. Her body spinning into the high priest. Not stopping to wait for her attack, Hyde threw himself over to the altar. His feet landing on either side of Talia as his claw held Draven’s downward strike firmly.

His entire body felt lit on fire as he met his master’s eyes. The full force of his gaze focusing on him.

“Hyde. Let Go,”

Growling at the familiar lash of power that crashed over him. Hyde twisted his claws. Sending the knife dropping to the black marble at his feet.

The whole room shaking as acolytes cried out as one. The high priest was down. Ghost’s howl echoed through the air as the barrier fell.

A call of victory, a call to the night, but more importantly, a call to the pack. A call that was answered.

Nobody was obeying his orders today!

Grasping his wrist, Draven flipped him over his head, Hydes back cracking the stone floor at the king’s feet.

“You dare!”

Draven’s will pressing against his own. Vibrating through him, it tried to strip him of his thought. Of his will.

Every fibre of his being screamed through him in defiance. He would not be owned anymore!

He was no-one’s slave.

Moving to his side first, then his knees. He pulled on the energy of the room. Of the growing portal. Fueling himself with a power he had denied most of his life.

The same power that the vampire king was drawing from.

“Its almost impressive, Dog” Dravens voice echoed around him even as the sounds of fighting erupted in the hallways.

The sentinels were coming for Talia. The pack was coming for him. All he had to do was keep Draven’s attention on himself.

“But I have been wielding this power since before you were born,”

“Stolen power, not your own,” sneering at the vampire king Hyde, showed every bit of his disgust. “You are nothing more than a pathetic wanna-be,”

Before he could pull himself to his feet. Draven sent him flying with a wave of his hand. Demonic energy slamming into him as he slid down the wall.

His beasts up and moving before he could call himself back. His claws slicing at the vampire in a flurry of blows that he could barely follow. The arc of blood spray was the only sign that any of them had landed.

Heat swelling through him, he backhanded a vampire trying to leap for him. His knee buckled as a sharp blade pierced the back of his leg.

“You have long derided your blood heritage. I, however, have done nothing but study it,”

With a flick of his wrist, Draven sent the energy of the room swirling towards Hyde. A black mass of air that cut and sliced into his skin. With each relentless step forward, Hyde’s snarls grew louder and more menacing.
