Page 125 of The Last Sacrifice

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It was too much.

Her body, vibrating with a dark energy, felt like it was about to rip in two. And still the memories didn’t stop. The memories of being pulled down deep into hell. Enslaved. Her fingers convulsing, tightening unexpectedly around Hyde’s hand. Pulling her against him, both hands entwining with hers. His voice, incoherent in her ear.

Breathing hard, shaking, she tried to twist away. Tried to hold the power in. He was too close. This was her agony, not his.

His hand jerking around hers as her control shattered. The dark energy ripping through her into him with a force that tore yet another scream out of her hoarse throat.

The power weaving between them, pulling him under. Unable to resist, Hyde gave in to her need. He was used to pain. He welcomed it.

But as the power flowed through the both of them, it changed. His mind rolling with hers. A storm of memories rising. Pulling them together. Memories of another life. Of another world.

Demon in full. Dark prince of war. He had ruled, warred, and done his father’s bidding. Until her.

Sacrificed, cut off from her people, it had dragged her down to the levels of hell. A slave in a place where his name echoed through the halls.

Dark Prince. Warlord. Master. Hers.

The soul of a cursed slave.

The only woman he had ever loved.

Memories rising hard and fast. As the dark energy swirled through them.

Intoxicating nights of pleasure. His pure demon form over her. Within her. Promises whispered. The flames on the wall had been real. It was not a dream.

Memories of her touch, her body. Her laughter and her love almost dropping him to his knees.

She was his light in the dark. Blood to blood, he had sworn. Defying hell itself. Her curse was now his.

He had broken all rules to be reborn. Sacrificing everything he had ever known to find her, free her. Claim her.

Blood to blood. He felt her within him.

The hunt for her. The taste of her lips on his. Her tears on his neck, as he had held her in the cabin. Arms so tight she had clung to him. Her eyes begging him to not to leave her. The whip tearing into his back, his red blood running down his sides, merging into her open wounds. Blood to blood.

Breathing in deeply, the power weaving through them as she called it willingly back to her. Letting it flow and envelop her senses completely. No longer afraid of the darkness that was woven through it. It was his darkness.

‘Thank you,’

The soft voices of her past touching her mind. As they settled back within. Full in a way she didn’t know she was missing, she took another breath. So many memories, so many lives. Each one had been torn out of her. Absorbed into Draven’s darkness. Each life taking a piece of her soul with it till she had almost nothing left.

Her eyes opening with a snap, Talia filled her lungs with what felt like the first breath of centuries.

Looking down at her hands, she curled her fingers. Magic dancing over her fingertips. Energy flowing through her with each breath she took. She was more than she ever had been.

Freed from Draven’s vile power. Each life, returning to its rightful place, had brought back the memories as if they were now her own. Bringing back the power that had been stolen, she thrummed with potency.

She lifted her head at the sound of her whispered name and met his piercing gaze. Her Hyde. His red wolven eyes gazing down at her.

“You came for me,” her demon prince, her wolf.

“Sorry I was late,”

Without thinking, she let go of his hands to pull his face down to hers. Her whole body thrumming as his mouth claimed hers. A soft growl of pleasure escaping her lips as his hands pulled her tighter to him. The kiss deepening as everything in him called to him to claim her.

“I do so hate to ruin what looks like a grand reunion.” Aveline’s hurried voice breaking through, “But we still have a situation here,”

Dragging himself from her mouth. Hyde met Talia’s eyes. The red glow had faded from her gaze, leaving the Arcandian gold around her blue eyes glowing. What was new was the sharp, prominent flecks of glowing red that were now speckled throughout her eyes. Bonded to him.
