Page 18 of The Last Sacrifice

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When she turned for him, she moved faster than he expected. Her fork slamming into the side of his thigh as she angled the knife for his throat.

With a forceful grip, Hyde caught her hand and squeezed it hard. Hating the small sound of pain that escaped her. He moved out of his chair as she dropped the knife to the floor. His grip tightening as he pulled her to her feet. Glaring up at him, she tried to pull away. Twisting her arm up behind her back, Hyde pulled her against him.

Grabbing at the fork still sticking out of his leg, she twisted it, pushing it in deeper.

“Careful Princess,” he growled low in her ear. “Your turning me on,” grinding his hips into her ass, Hyde couldn’t help but chuckle as she stilled.

“You sick bastard” there was no missing the erection he had placed firmly between her ass cheeks. Sweet torture, as need pulsed through him with every beat of his heart.

“Be still” if she kept struggling, his control might shatter completely. His wolf growling encouragement deep in his mind at the idea. Wasn’t helping either.

Pressing the syringe against her throat, he pierced her skin. Injecting the drug quickly, he let her stumble forward as the last drop entered her system.

Her hand going to her neck, she wiped at the small of amount of blood. Before sitting back in the chair, her arms wrapping around herself.

Picking up the knife, he pulled the fork out of his leg.

“why are you not bleeding? I thought silver hurt Lycans more,” her voice was small.

“You almost hit the artery,” he could hear the approval even in his thick growl “and silver dosn’t hurt demon born. Lycan or not.” If she had attacked one of his men like that. There would have been more blood and she might have gotten a head start on her run.

“Demon born?” She glanced up at him, her eyes already starting to glaze over.

Picking up the fork off his plate, he handed it to her. His family history was a whole pile of fucked up. A world away from her understanding.

“Eat before the drugs make you sleep,” his voice was gentle but firm.

She wrapped her fingers around the silver tableware and sighed.

“Please let me go?”

“I can’t do that Princess, you belong to someone else,”

Nodding, she took a bite of her meal. Her eyes meeting his from under her lashes, she swallowed before speaking, her voice low. Soft.

“When did you become a slave, Hyde?”

“Eat!” Growling deep in his throat, he moved away from her. Unable to meet the accusation in her eyes.
