Page 21 of The Last Sacrifice

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“You can try the landline in the cabin once we get there” Marnie’s voice was reassuring. But the longer she was gone, the deeper her worry was growing. He had threatened her grandmother’s life if she ever defied him. He was going to be livid when he woke up alone.

How on earth had she kissed the brute? Just the thought made her cringe in embarrassment.

In fact, she wasn’t going to think about it. But the harder she tried to concentrate on other thoughts, the more her mind betrayed her.

Hyde was dangerous. Any thought of trying to manipulate him had fled when his red eyes, so intense, had darkened with desire. His fingers had gently stroked her chin. Held by a finger, she hadn’t moved. In fact, she had shivered in anticipation.

She had wanted him to press his mouth to hers. Wanted to feel his power move under her hands. Over her.

Oh god, her entire body had lit like fire at just the touch of his hand on her breast. No fumbling boy or drunken escapade even came close to how alive she had felt in his hands. She had desperately wanted his mouth to have dipped and pulled her nipple into his teeth. Even now, the thought filled her with heat.

She hated her reaction to him. The thrill that had run through her. A body that had melted for him. Ready for him at just the barest touch.

Shifting in her seat, she glared at the storm that danced around the mountain in a show of fury.

Wanting a dangerous man like the Titan Alphas was a disaster waiting to happen. With His hard erection firmly pressed into her buttocks as she had twisted the fork into his thigh. His breath on her ear. Never before had she been so aware of her own physical response to a man. But Hyde was like no man she had ever met.

Every part of her ached for his touch. Still, she craved him.

Talia shook her head and swore under her breath. She had to remember that she was a job, that she was nothing more than a distraction, a plaything. Something to amuse himself with before he handed her over to his vampiric master. The handcuffs and drugs had proven that.

The more distance between them, the better. She had to save both her life and her sanity. There was no other option.

The car bounced as the road turned to mud. Marnie cursed as the wheels slid around a tight corner.

“Damn storm,”

Talia secured her seatbelt over her shoulder and held on tight as the road dipped and twisted through the trees. At times, seemingly to disappear all together.

Eventually, the rain turned to sleet the higher up they got. The car slowed down to a crawl, and it felt like hours before they arrived at a snow-covered cabin.

A light filling the windows at the front.

“Might want to get dressed” Marnie smiled as she reached for her bag.

As warm as it was in the car, getting out into the snow dressed in nothing but the hotel robe was not something she wanted to do. Shifting in the seat, Talia struggled with the pants, struggling to pull them up and over her hips. Sliding the robe off, she pulled the vest up and over her bare breasts, zipping it up tightly. Before pulling the robe back over her shoulders, it wasn’t a jacket, but it was better than nothing.

“Let’s do this” Marnie gave her a smile as she opened the car door, closing it behind her as she waited.

Talia’s toes curled in protest against the icy snow as she got out of the car.

“By the gods, you must be freezing, come on” moving at a slow jog, Marnie switched her bag to her other hand and pulled her along behind her.

Getting to the oak door, Marnie pushed it open, gesturing her inside out of the cold.



Something was wrong. Lifting his head, his whole body tensing at the empty side of the bed next to him.

The handcuff hanging off his wrist, taunting him as he blinked in the room's darkness.

“Fuck!” Tearing it off, he tossed the broken steel onto the balcony.

His eyes roamed the room as he got off the bed. The clothes he had left on her side of the bed were gone. The bag of drugs gone. She was gone.

Taking a deep breath, Hyde closed his eyes as he tasted the scents in the room.
