Page 38 of The Last Sacrifice

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A live band still played, the half dressed female leaders’ eyes glinting with supernatural power as the music bombarded his ears. Nose twitching against the full assault on his senses. Human sweat, lust and alcohol.

Talia leaned towards him with widened eyes as he guided her away from the club and towards the forbidden corridors. Taking the stone steps, he walked her to the security door.

Hyde came to a stop at the security panel and raised his hand. His palm pressing against the lock, he watched as the light turned green. The steel doors sliding open in front of them.

“Please” her plea was barely a whisper. Barely a breath.

Without a word, he moved her through the doors.

Waiting for them, Draven’s assistant stepped forward. Her eyes moving over Talia. Taking in everything from the messy blonde hair, bruised face and oversized shoes, she shot Hyde a nervous look.

“He is waiting for you,”

“I know the way,”

As he attempted to move past her, Hyde stared down at the small hand that the vampiress had pressed against his chest to stop him. A low growl slipping past his lips, his fingers tightening on Talia’s arm enough that he felt her wince at his grip. Instantly relaxing his hold, his thumb stroking over her skin before turning his glare to the pretty vampire.

Pulling her hand away, the well-dressed assistant stepped back. Her eyes avoiding his. The vampires here knew not to put their hands on Hyde if they wanted to keep them.

“He is not in his office.” Her voice grew firmer with every word. “He told me to show... to show you the way,”

“Then show me,”

With a nod, she made her way towards the elevator and pressed the button. Her well-manicured finger pressing against the button. The red light turning green as it scanned her thumbprint.

It didn’t bode well that he was taking her into the maze of the vampire’s home. There were rooms down in the depths that he still wished he had never seen. The torture and pain of those rooms was a hell he couldn’t, no, wouldn’t deliver her into. His free hand clenching into a fist as the elevator doors opened.

Stepping into the small carpeted room, the assistant smiled prettily at Talia.

“This way,” her voice smooth and encouraging. No power behind the words. It made his skin crawl with suspicion. Vampires didn’t do nice unless they had to.

Stepping in with her, Hyde kept himself between Talia and the walking leech. The elevator gliding down the levels. His eyes never leaving the panel, watching each number light up and dim.

Underneath the club, there was a labyrinth of halls and chambers. Living apartments, guest rooms, offices, banquet halls, studies, dungeons and worse.

At level fourteen, the door opened. Talia’s whole body trembling against his. Her face pale as she took a shuddering deep breath. His fingers softening their hold as he moved his hand to her back.

“This way, the King is eager to see you,”

Stepping out, the assistant turned and waited for them to catch up.

“He is in the lounge,” pointing at the large wooden doors at the end of a long hallway. Her cold eyes meeting his for a moment before she stepped back into the elevator.

Level fourteen was an old level that hadn’t been in use for years, but as he moved her forward. Hydes eyebrows raised.

The cleaning crew had been busy.

The old, dusty stone floors had been swept and mopped. They had scrubbed down the ancient candelabras with steel wool; they now shone like brand-new replicas of themselves. With delicate brushes they had carefully peeled away layers of dust and grime to reveal beautiful oil paintings of landscapes on rolls of canvas as tall as a person and large as a door. They were masterpieces.

But none of it mattered.

Moving up the hallway, Hyde could feel his master’s impatience ahead. His eyes unable to look away from the waiting large doors.

Talia’s feet refused to move, her whole body rooted to the spot as she stared at the doors.

The smell of sweat and fear filling the air between them. Her heart pounding against his palm, which held her captive in place. His hand was an unforgiving, immovable force. He pushed and propelled her forward, and every muscle within her strained against him with shuddering desperation.

Her fear growing with every forced step, till he could taste it at the back of his throat. His wolf growling deep inside him, a furious protest. Ignoring it, he forced himself to step with her as the doors swung open.

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