Page 50 of The Last Sacrifice

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Nodding, Draven straightened, pushing away from the high railing. He moved towards her.

“I want you to choose me,” his voice was low. His eyes intent on her face. “How do I keep you safe and give you this choice that you demand?”

Eyebrows coming together, Talia frowned up at him. Did he truly mean it?

“Stop. Drugging. Me” again, she kept her voice firm. Hiding the doubt and insecurities that screamed through her mind. “Let me have my power back” with her power back, she could figure out if he was indeed telling her the truth. Her visions would return. As would the nightmares that had haunted her for the last three weeks. But above all, she would be able to defend herself.

“I can’t do that,”

Laughing, Talia shook her head.

“How the hell do you think I could ever trust you?” Moving away from him, she turned and started walking back towards the rooftop door.

Her hair lifting with the sudden force of air around her. A small gasp of surprise escaping from her lips as he appeared in front of her. Stepping towards her, his expression tight and controlled. His voice strained with effort.

“I cannot give you this. Not yet.”

“Of course not.” Moving around him, her voice sarcastic, “how would I be your prisoner then?”

Again, he was a blur in her vision as he moved around her, this time pulling her against him. Her breath catching as he cradled her against his chest.

“I cannot risk losing you to the fires of the Inquisition again. I must protect you.”

It wasn’t her imagination. He really was trembling ever so slightly against her as he held her tight.

“There is too much at stake, Navina. Every time you use your gifts, they track you. Until I can neutralise the threat, you must believe that I demand these things from you to keep you safe.”

Pulling away, Talia ran her hands through her hair. Her heart hammering in her chest. Licking her suddenly dry lips, she shook her head. Every time he said that name, something deep inside twisted in recognition.

“Just because I look like your lost Navina. Dosn’t mean I am her” she was proud of the way her voice remained steady. Not betraying the sudden urge to run to her rooms. To escape the way his dark eyes seemed to pierce right through her.

“I would know you anywhere. Just like you know me,”

“The hell I do,”

Again, the swirl of air was the only warning that he had moved. His arm pulling her against him. His face hovering inches above hers. Dark eyes intent.

Pressing his hand between her breasts over her rapidly beating heartbeat.

“Then why does your heart race when you’re close to me?”

“You scare me,” a trembling whisper was all she could manage this close.

“Truth” lowering his mouth to hover over her lips “But not the whole truth”, the murmured words soft, before pressing his mouth to hers.

For a mad moment, Talias’ body relaxed as her mouth opened under his. His taste filling over her tongue as she met his kiss. This she knew. This was something that was hers. Her body recognising him in a way her mind couldn’t. Every nerve shaking as the kiss deepened.

At the taste of blood in her mouth, she jerked back. Eyes wide, she pulled away.

What the hell was she doing?

Raising her fingers to her lips, she touched the small wound his fang had made. Oh, great Stockholm syndrome was already happening. Staring at the drop of blood on her fingertip, she shivered. She was nothing but an idiot. She knew she couldn’t trust him. It’s what her nightmares had been warning her of, for weeks. Why she had run so hard from Hyde.

And not even one day in. She was kissing the Vampire King back.

“We are meant to be together, Talia. It’s fated.” Stepping out of his reach, she shook her head.

“We make our own fates” her grandmother’s words escaping her lips without even thinking.
