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And just like I predicted, everybody there knows who I am. Scathing looks and whispers follow me all the way down the hall. I don’t want to pull out my phone - I haven’t been able to look at it since last night. I was ready to leave it at home, but Alex kindly switched it back to silent mode and told me to keep it with me in case of an emergency.

So without that, my options are to look around and absorb the daggers they’re all shooting my way, or play with my fingers in my lap. Keeping my eyes glued to my hands, I decide that I’m only ever going to lift my head again once my name is called.

The moment comes too soon and my heart lurches into my throat as I stand up. With slow, deliberate steps, I make my way into the room. The closer I get to the door, the harder my panic hits. I haven’t thought about what I’m going to do once I’m in there with him. What I’m going to say if any of them mentions the tabloids.

“Cara! So great to see you again,” Miranda’s face is open with a light smile. Like she has no clue about the chaos that’s erupted in my life. Or doesn’t give a shit.

Either way, it starts to ease the rising terror in me.

Then the next piece of good news hits me in the gut: Edward is conspicuously absent from the panel. Miranda must see the fleeting look of confusion that clouds my face, because she explains it without me saying anything.

“He had some other business to attend to today.”

And then I get it, the tight-lipped smile, the sympathetic head-tilt. She knows. And there’s no other business. He’s in hiding. Most likely waiting for it to blow over.

If only I was a spoiled little rich kid who could pick and choose how I wanted life to affect me…

My agitation with him grows. I can’t believe he’s copped out! His friends weren’t wrong when they were ragging him about being an overgrown kid. But I’m not here to wallow, and Edward’s inadvertently given me a gift by staying away today.

I square my shoulders and take a breath. I was born for this. I’m not going to let some man-child get in my head and mess up my chances.

“I got the pages your team emailed,” I say, tapping my rolled up script against my leg.

“Great,” Miranda says with a nod. “You’ll be reading with Luka. If you get the role, he’ll be your love interest.”

Luka. I’ve been so wrapped up in my own bullshit that I didn’t notice the other man standing in the room with me. Well, young man. Or boy.

He can’t be a day over twenty-one even though his supermodel looks leave him chiseled and preened. Ready to walk onto any magazine cover. Blonde hair, sharp blue eyes, and a soft, square jaw has me mesmerized. The total opposite of Edward, thank God.

Shit. So much for keeping him out of my head. Just like that, it’s Edward’s voice I hear in the back of my mind, making fun of the boy I’m about to read with. The names he would’ve called him if he were here.

It’s not a lot, but it’s enough to set me on edge. I fumble and flop my way through the measly two pages of script despite Luka trying his utmost to keep me engaged. And Luka, poor Luka… At one point we have to kiss and either I’m his first time or he’s just shockingly bad at it, but even that is a bust. Imagine mistaking the passion note you get from your director as an invitation to drool all over your scene partner.

“Sorry, can we start over?” I peel my face from Luka’s, trying hard not to gag. He’s gotten his saliva way up behind my ear!

Miranda considers me, her hands steepled in front of her mouth. “No need.”

That’s it. That’s all she has.

I feel the opportunity of a lifetime slipping through my fingers. “Uh, I’m happy to try it a different way if you-”

“No need,” she says again. “I’ve seen all I needed to see. Thank you both.”

Luka gives an idiotic smile and waves at the panel before sauntering out of the room like he’s just nailed it. Granted, the role is already his so he has nothing to worry about. Meanwhile, I’m torn. I need to land this job to save the theater, but if I do, I’ll be doing a ton more of those slobbering kisses.

I fight the urge to cringe outwardly in front of all of them.

“Cara, you’re good,” Miranda says, looking to her producer and casting director for confirmation. They both nod emphatically, and she turns back to me. “Expect a call from us in the next couple of days.”

* * *

By the timeI walk in for my shift at Suave that night I still can’t believe it. I bombed that chemistry read but for whatever reason, Miranda was still impressed with me. For a second, there’s a sneaking suspicion that Edward might have something to do with it, but it doesn’t last. It doesn’t benefit him if I get this role, especially with his dad breathing down his neck about the money involved.

I’m about to walk into the back to get my gear when I hear a familiar voice. Edward and his pals are chatting it up on the outskirts of the cigar lounge. I shake my head and push through the swing door of the kitchen, but then pause.

I shouldn’t. I’m better off steering clear of Edward as much as I can. With the news still fresh about our dalliance, if anyone sees us together it could end up adding fuel to the fire when all I want is for it to die down.

Loud laughter carries across the club toward me and when I look over, I see him having a good old time of it. Just like Zoey had said. Anger pushes up inside me and before I know it, I’m making my way over there. Life isn’t fair, I get it, but I can’t describe the way I feel seeing Edward unaffected by this thing when it’s pretty much imploded my career.
