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Zoey rolls her eyes, but she’s smiling. “I figured you haven’t seen it yet. Because you for sure would’ve said something.”

She then grabs me by the hand and starts leading me to the east wing. We navigate our way through reels of cables, discarded rigs, costume rails, until finally-


Zoey pulls me to stand in front of a gold plated plaque bolted to the hallway that marks the start of the east wing. My jaw drops, eyes scanning the engraving there.

“They’re busy with the big one on the face of the building outside,” she says. “Every car passing on the highway will be able to see it.”

My mouth is still agape when I turn to look at her, searching her face for the laughter I’m certain she’s holding back. Because surely this is a prank. It must be.

The Cara Elizabeth Ford Wing

In dedication to the Dramatic Arts

“He- He named the whole thing after me?” I’m stunned.

Why would Edward do such a thing? He doesn’t even know me. I’m nobody. Once we wrap up shooting, the only movie to my name will be a slapstick sci-fi western. Hardly worthy of honorable mention anywhere.

“He named the whole thing after you,” Zoey says with a knowing smile. “I guess that makes me right. This is all you, Cara.”

I’m a mess of emotions right now. This isn’t exactly great timing - Edward endearing himself to me when I’m trying to talk myself out of him. Unless it’s just another one of his games… He’s the type of guy to do something like this. Whatever it takes to get what he wants.

But I know what I’ve felt in the times when we’ve been closest. And that bad boy, asshole thing he usually leans into is never there. I know that he tries to play it up for the sake of appearance, but I don’t feel it in the way he touches me. Or hear it in his voice when his whisper is warm and breathy in my ear.

“I have to go,” I snap myself back to reality with a suddenness that makes Zoey jump a little. “Sorry, I’ve got call soon.”

She’s yelling something out to me as I hurry down the hall, but I can’t hear her over my blood thumping in my head. I push through the side emergency exit and run straight into a group of workmen on a scaffold, raising the letters that will eventually spell out my name.

Goddammit, Edward. What the hell did you do?

* * *

I’m sodistracted when I walk into my trailer that it takes me a second to notice him manspreading on the sofa bench.

“Jesus, you scared me.” I glare at Edward, hand over my heart. That signature smirk of his breaks onto his face and it riles me up. “I’m late for hair and make-up. Please leave.”

Edward rises slowly and makes his way over to where I’m still standing by the door. “I take it you’ve been to visit the theater,” he says, brushing my hair from my face. “Did you like my surprise?”

His touch gets me warm and tingly all over, and I hate myself for enjoying the sensation. Even more when I’m disappointed after his hand falls back to his side.

“Well?” He digs his hands in his pockets, watching me closely.

I falter. And try as I may, I can’t recover quickly from the way he’s shaken me up. I blame the emotional reunion with the kids, the unexpected unveiling of the east wing… and the even more unexpected realization that there might be so much more to Edward Spencer than I first believed.

“Why?” My voice is soft, echoing Elise back when she was afraid to speak up.

He shrugs nonchalantly. “Why is the plural of goose, geese. But the plural of moose is moose, not meese?”

Oh my god, I can’t with how adorable he’s being right now. Or how hot he looks when he’s grinning at me this way.

“I’m serious, Edward,” I say, slapping his arm playfully. “You shouldn’t have done that. Name a whole wing after me? What are people going to think?”

“Who cares what anyone thinks? Fuck ‘em.” That’s it. That’s his feelings on the matter and I can tell he’s not about to budge. “How about you just thank me for the gesture and we move on?”

“I mean, thank you,” I mutter. “But… I don’t get it. I’m nothing. My name means nothing.”

“Hey…” He closes the distance between us in the time it takes for me to draw in a sharp breath. Holding my chin between his thumb and forefinger, he makes me look at him. “Don’t talk about yourself like that in front of me. You were never nothing, Cara. And once this movie drops, everyone will know your name.”
