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“Really? You’re going with that accent? Interesting…” It’s so hard to keep from laughing at this point, but I manage. Maybe I should try my hand at this whole acting thing.

“Would you, uh, like me to try something else?” she asks. Not looking at me, but Miranda.

The director shakes her head and shrugs. “He’s the EP,” she hikes her thumb at me. “What did you have in mind, Ed?”

Ed. I cringe inwardly. God, I can’t stand it when they do that. My father was never Ed a day in his life. He somehow found himself surrounded with people who knew to give him the respect he deserved. But me? I get Ed, Eddie, Edster…

“Well, the movie is set in the old west. So I’m thinking… something southern.” I lean back in my chair, arms folded across my chest. This is going to be good.

Cara gets right back into it without hesitation, slipping into a velvety southern accent like a belle who was born and bred. Not exactly what I had in mind.

“Deep south,” I call out.

And again, even though she’s mid-sentence, Cara switches it up without missing a beat. Miranda’s eyebrows shoot up, clearly impressed. The producer and casting director are also both enjoying what Cara’s bringing to the table.

“But you’re supposed to be an alien,” is my next note. “Can we hear some of that in there too? Really sell it.”

This one gives her pause and I bite back a smile. I’ve got her now. The incredulity on her face is worthy of a thousand paintings.

Cara looks questioningly at Miranda for confirmation and thankfully, my director knows where her movie’s funding is coming from. She simply nods for Cara to continue. In an alien voice.

Finally flustered enough, Cara starts stumbling over her lines, which is exactly where I wanted her. I get up, scraping my chair unnecessarily so that it drowns her out.

“Here, I’ll help.” I grab a copy of the day’s pages and walk around to where she’s standing. “People sometimes find that having a partner to read with makes it easier to get into character.”

Cara’s cheeks are burning scarlet at this point, but she simply says, “Okay.”

“You know what, Ed? I have an idea.” I bristle, hide it quickly, and turn to Miranda, who goes on with, “Since the romance is a big part of the lead, why don’t you and Cara take us through scene seven?”

She holds out two copies of the scene in question, and both Cara and I stare without taking them, unmoving. I don’t know what Cara’s hesitation is about, but I hadn’t exactly read the script for the movie I’m funding. I just thought the title was hilarious.

Not a big deal, under any other circumstances. But if Cara actually went ahead and got the lead, that would mean she’d be getting hot and heavy with her co-star on set. Which is a way bigger deal.

I haven’t had her yet. But I already know that I don’t want to share her. Even if it’s pretend.

Cara moves first and takes her copy from Miranda, her eyes hungrily scanning the script. I watch her closely, the way her lips part slightly, the sharp intake of breath, fingers slightly trembling on the page. So I already know before I look down, and when I see ‘They kiss’ printed in bold in the middle of the page, my heart makes this little flip thing that I haven’t felt since… God… college?

Sierra Grace. She fucked me up something bad.

But I put on my best game face and get into it, sending Sierra to the badlands with Savannah Benson.

“Ready?” I ask Cara, my voice low and intentional. I lick my lips for added value.

Her eyes flicker down to my mouth and I’d be lying if I say I don’t enjoy the way her eyes widen slightly. I glance down and notice her quickening pulse thundering rapidly under the thin, tender flesh on her neck. What I wouldn’t give to have my head on her chest so I can hear it close up.

“I’m not who you think I am, Alistair,” she gazes into my eyes.

It takes me a second to realize that look isn’t for me - the deep southern accent and slight alien squeak giving it away. I clutch the script, mad that I’m shaking, to read what I have to say.

When I look back at her, the longing that meets me nearly sends me for a loop and I draw a complete blank. Checking my lines again, I chastise myself silently and get back into it.

“I know exactly who you are, Tallulah.” I wrap one arm around her waist and pull her roughly into me. This is how I regain the upper hand. Keep her guessing. Keep catching her off guard. She gasps, not expecting the sudden move, her hands pressed flat to my chest. “My body knows your body,” I growl.

I lower my head, bringing my mouth within a hair’s breadth of hers. Her nervous panting on my lips drives me nuts. The warmth from her body radiates into me, awakening something I haven’t felt in so long, I almost forget we’re acting.


“My body wants your body,” I whisper, brushing her lips with mine.
