Page 19 of His Witness

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This is real, this is perfect and I’m not happy that I saw a murder, but I am happy that I found my own personal bodyguard. A man that knows me, loves me, and will never leave me. Forever. He’s promised me.

What’s more binding than a made man’s promise?

My fingers twine with his and he strokes my fingers lovingly, his face gentle but the fierce animal that he is barely hidden. An animal with a heart that gives and loves fiercely. Lucky me.

Epilogue One: Petal

“There’s a fine line between pleasure and pain, Victor. I think you’re riding that line.” My hands are tangled in his dark hair and I’m yanking on it viciously. He just grins.

“I like a little pain with my pleasure. Can’t wait to mark up that perfect ass of yours.”

I’m on my stomach and he’s behind me, trailing his tongue through my lower lips all the way up to my ass. “You are the absolute worst. I’m begging you…please.”

He gives me one of those dark chuckles of his that ripple along my sensitive skin. Then his hand caresses my left cheek right before he slaps it. I moan and his tongue delves deeper and then he sucks at my clit, dragging it between his teeth. The bomb drops and I hide my face in the pillow, screaming like a wild thing.

He taps my ass again. “Hey, no hiding those screams. Those are all mine. I want to hear that sound bouncing off the damn walls.”

Flushing, I slip my head out and then he tears into me again until I’m wailing and crying. Then he slams into me and starts shunting me up the bed.

He knows just what he’s doing by now. We’ve been married for seven months and he works me like a maestro, hitting every nook and cranny of my pussy until I’m gritting my teeth and flying off into the stratosphere.

But even as he drills me with such exquisite precision, he holds his arm across my belly to make sure that I’m alright. The rounded curve of my belly won’t let us make love this way for much longer. I’m already dragging on the mattress.

I fall over when he grunts and slams into me, coming all over my fluttering cunt until it’s dripping down my thighs. He runs a hand through it and paints my whole belly.

The territorial man loves to come and then mark me like I’m a possession.

Doesn’t matter. If I’m his. He’s mine.

I fall to the bed and he curls his big body around me.

“I love you,” he says.

“I love you too.”

He kisses my sweaty throat and then groans. “I need to get some sleep, baby. I’ve got to be up early to go with the boys.”

“What are you guys doing?”

He shoots me a raised eyebrow and I just roll my eyes, muttering. “Right. I don’t need to know.”

Victor nods, “I don’t like to keep things from you but I will not expose you to the worst parts of my job.”

“Alright, I understand.”

He sighs and cuddles into me. “Thank you, baby.” Then he sighs deeply and his breathing slows.

I caress his hand where it rests across me and smile. Then I touch my belly. “Your daddy is a good man. Don’t ever let anyone else tell you different. Not all good men do good things. But all bad men do bad things. All you have to be able to do is tell the difference and you’ll figure out who the villains are. And don’t worry. Your daddy will make sure that you know. He’s a little overprotective but it’s for a good reason. So try and forgive him.”

“Go to sleep, Petal,” he grumbles behind me. I smile and curl up into his arms, letting myself drift off to sleep.

Soon, I’ll have the whole family I’ve always longed for and it’s all thanks to one very bad but very good man who lives to give me the world.

Epilogue Two: Victor

Isneak into the house and down the stairs, a bag hitched over my shoulder. I need to make sure that no one sees what I’m about to do or it will ruin everything.

Just as I hit the bottom of the stairs and stalk across to the living room where everything’s set up, the light flicks on and almost blinds me.
