Page 22 of Becca's Trouble

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Becca looked at the board of specials. “Blackberry cobbler with vanilla ice cream.”

“Me, too,” Marcie said, and Genie nodded her agreement.

“Good choice. Anything to drink?” she asked.

They ordered coffee to go with their pie, knowing it was going to be a long night. Then they sat quietly for a moment, each lost in their own thoughts. Becca should have known Emerich was onto them. He’d always been one step ahead. But what could he have wanted at the house? She sent a quick text to Cameron.Make sure she’s not in my room.

Why couldn’t Emerich just let her go?

“We’ll always be together. We were born for each other.”

She remembered how happy she’d been when he’d said those words to her. Now just remembering them gave her chills.

“What are you thinking about?” Genie asked after a long moment. Her blue eyes peered deep into hers.

Becca met her gaze. “I think Emerich has been watching us for a while. He always seems to be one step ahead of us.”

“I agree,” Genie said, nodding her head. “What do you think he’s after? He’s already gotten his revenge on our father and us.”

“That’s not enough. He wants me. Us. All of us,” Becca admitted. “He envisions us as his father’s creations. We’re special… superior. Different than everyone else. He wants to grow our abilities, so he can use them for his special plans.”

“He sounds like a power-hungry maniac,” Marcie said.

Becca agreed. “Yep, that just about sums it up.”

The waitress arrived with their desserts and set them all in front of them, then refilled their coffees.

“This looks amazing,” Genie told her. “Thank you.”

“You’re welcome, sweetie. Enjoy. Let me know if you need anything else.” She smiled and walked away.

“Oh, this is so good,” Marcie said, after taking her first bite.

Becca couldn’t agree more and focused on devouring the cobbler rather than thinking about Emerich or Debi or the image of the young woman pawing through her room.

Marcie finished the last of her dessert with a groan. “So what are we going to do about Emerich? And that fake Debi?”

Becca sighed. “I’m not sure. I’m struggling with the whole group dynamics. I’m worried about bringing everyone in on this.”

Genie scowled. “What do you mean?”

“I think I can be more effective if I go after Emerich alone. He won’t be expecting it, and I can slip in and slip out without him knowing I’m there. Right now, there are too many of us and we’re moving too slowly. He knows what we’re going to do before we do. There’s a mole in this organization, and Cameron is going to have to focus on finding him. Besides, I’m used to working alone.”

Marcie grinned. “The Lone Wolf.”

Becca leaned back in her seat. “Exactly. I’m afraid of what will happen next if we keep trying to play by the rules. He could have easily grabbed you today, Marcie. I fear that the only reason he didn’t was because he wanted Debi in the house.”

Genie shook her head. “What makes you think you’d be any more successful going in alone? For all you know, you’d be walking into his trap.”

“I don’t know. The truth is, I’m not always careful. I make mistakes. I’m headstrong. I don’t like to run my ideas past people. But if something bad happens and I’m alone, it’s an easy pivot, save, and dunk. You almost got taken today. You never should have been out there alone,” she said to Marcie. “It was a call I wouldn’t have made.”

“But now we know that was all for show so we’d whisk Debi away to our headquarters,” Genie said.

“Exactly. We played right into Emerich’s hands. That wouldn’t have happened if other people weren’t in the mix.”

Marcie nodded. “I get it. You never know what others are going to do that could topple your pivot.”

“Exactly,” Becca said. “I guess I’ve never been good at team sports.”

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