Page 23 of Becca's Trouble

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“Maybe not, but you’re such a huge asset to the team, we wouldn’t be as successful without you,” Marcie said. “And you don’t know that you would be any more successful on your own. Chances are, you wouldn’t.”

Becca took a deep breath. “I know you’re probably right, but I still feel like it’s something I have to do.”

“I think it’s all hogwash,” Genie said, finishing her cobbler.

Becca scowled at her. “Why?”

Genie’s blue eyes flashed. “Because this is your ego talking. You still have to be the most powerful, the one who saves the day. Guess what, you’re not. That’s your pride talking. We are a team, not a group of individuals working independently. A team. Working together. None of us are stronger without the other. That’s what you’re missing.”

Becca bit on her lips to keep from blurting out a rebuttal that would slay her sister.

Marcie slapped the table. “Plus, what are you saying? That you want to leave the group and go after Emerich on your own? First of all, you would miss us. Who else would eat blackberry pie and ice cream with you after an op gone bad? And secondly, your leaving wouldn’t stop us from investigating Emerich and trying to bring him in. You might get in our way.”

Becca grinned. “You could be right.”

Marcie gave her a satisfied smile. “Of course I’m right.”

Becca looked at Genie. “You know, I like having girlfriends.”

“Yeah? How about sisters?”

The corner of Becca’s lips lifted. “That too.”

“What?” Marcie looked between them. “Are you saying you’ve never had a close girlfriend before? Not even in school?”

“Definitely not in school. Dad sent the three of us to different boarding schools in different countries after our mom died. We had to lie about who we were and could never see each other. We learned to adjust to being alone,” Genie said.

Marcie’s eyes widened. “God. How old were you?”

“Twelve,” Genie said.

“How did you do it?”

“I didn’t trust anyone. I became a real loner until I met Sean,” Becca admitted.

“Emerich?” Marcie asked.

“Yep. We met in school. He was my best friend.”

She looked surprised. “Oh, that’s rough.”

“And then as they grew older, he became a lot more,” Genie said. “Do you think he still has feelings for you? Do you think that could be what all this is about?”

Becca shook her head. “Sean never had feelings for me. I was a tool for his revenge against Dad and the CTA. He blamed our family for the death of his father and has spent his entire life trying to make us pay for it.”

“Diabolical,” Marcie said.

Becca pushed her plate away. “I hate to admit it, but his dad and ours, not to mention Jayne’s set this game in motion that we’re all still playing today. They ruined a lot of lives. Maybe Emerich was right, maybe everyone involved should be stopped.”

“I’m not sure what you’re saying,” Genie said, looking nervous again.

“I’m saying, I don’t know if it’s a good idea to continue going after the people from my father’s experiments. Why not leave them be? Let them live their own lives without interference.”

Marcie shook her head. “That would be fine if Emerich would leave us alone. But he’s not. He came after me, he went after Jayne, and for all we know he already has the real Debi.

“Maybe.” Genie held her gaze. “But he’s not going to stop. You know that. So we can’t either.”

“I just don’t know if I want to be a part of it anymore,” Becca admitted.
