Page 51 of Becca's Trouble

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Becca jumped out of the Jeep and started running back toward Cameron. Emerich jumped out after started chasing her, yelling her name. The helicopter dropped low and the ladder descended. Becca grabbed it and started to climb, the helicopter hovering. The wind beating her hair.

She’d almost made it halfway when Emerich grabbed the ladder and started to climb.

“Get off,” Becca screamed. She had almost reached the helicopter’s bay when he grabbed her ankle, and pulled.

Genie pulled out her pistol and aimed it at him. “Let her go, Emerich.”

He pulled harder.

Hanging tight with both hands, Becca kicked out with her other foot, making contact with Emerich's head.

Still, he hung on.

She swung hard, kicking again, losing grip with one of her hands.

“Becca,” Genie screamed as Becca swung from the ladder.

Strengthening her grip, Becca kicked out again, and this time hit Emerich hard. He lost his grip on her foot and on the ladder and fell backward thirty feet to the meadow below.

Becca clung to the ladder with both hands and got her feet back onto the rungs, then climbed up inside.

Once she did, Cameron started to breathe again.

The helicopter landed next to him, and they got Marcie loaded inside. As Genie tended to her, he and Becca hurried over to Emerich. He was staring up at them with glassy eyes.

Not taking any chances, Cameron bent down to feel for a pulse. There wasn’t one. “He’s dead.”

“I wish I could say our problems were finally over,” Becca said, staring down at him. “But I think they’ve only begun.”

He hoped she was wrong, but feared she was right.

“At least he won’t be coming after us any longer, and you’re finally safe.”

She smiled and squeezed his hand. “We all are.”


Becca stared down at Emerich lying dead on the ground and thought she should feel something. Happiness. Regret. Sadness. But all she felt was numb. “We need to go to his compound. There could be other women there.”

Genie, who’d approached with Kyle, shook her head. “Marcie needs to get to the hospital. Her blood has completely soaked through her clothes and she’s lost consciousness.”

Cameron gestured for them to return to the helicopter. “Drop Becca and me off at the compound, then take Marcie to Anchorage. We’ll find out who all is still there and then be in contact.”

Kyle did as he said, dropping them off in the middle of the compound’s courtyard. They were concerned they might run into more of Emerich’s guards, but there weren’t many left, and the ones that were there didn’t stop them.

They searched the compound, finding the labs, offices, and lots of empty rooms, but there was hardly anyone there.

“I don’t understand,” Becca said. “Where is everyone?”

“It’s dinnertime. Is there a mess hall?” Cameron asked.

“Yes.” She led him to the cafeteria Emerich had showed her earlier. There were about ten guards sitting at various tables. And two women. “Come on.” She led Cameron over to the two women.

“Cameron, meet the real Debi. You’ve already met the fake Debi.”

Their eyes widened as the women looked up at them.

“Where’s Emerich?” the fake Debi asked.
