Page 40 of Dark of Night

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“You haven’t seen the video, have you?”

“No,” Jon admitted.

“There’s no question she injected something into the patient’sIV. Moments later the man expired. The autopsy found a lethal dose of potassium chloride. We have video of the good doctor taking the drug from the dispensary as well. There’s no question it’s homicide. The bigger question is, are there other victims?”

The full story shook Jon. How could Olivia have done something like this? Had she snapped mentally? He shook his head.

“Are you there, Dr.Dunstan?”

“Yes, yes, I’m here. Just shocked. It’s hard to believe.”

“Did you notice a higher number of deaths among her patients?”

“No, she had an excellent track record.” He clutched Annie’s hand. “Am I under suspicion, Detective Perry?”

“Should you be?”

“No, of course not.” Jon pressed his lips together. The guy was being a jerk.

“Thanks for calling in, but don’t be surprised if we have more questions. This is a big case and likely to get bigger.”

The call ended, and Jon put down his phone. The call might have bought him a little time, but it hadn’t resolved anything.


Jon immediately liked Dr.Ben Eckright’s waiting room. It was as welcoming as the Blue Bonnet Bed-and-Breakfast. Pictures of the doctor’s boating adventures on Superior decorated the room, and Jon thought he would have a lot in common with the general practitioner.

The doctor himself appeared in the doorway. His warm brown eyes and grandfatherly manner were the kind guaranteed to put even the most frightened kid at ease. Mostly bald, his scalp still hung on to a few stray ginger strands.

His grin broadened when he saw Jon. “Dr.Dunstan, I was hoping to meet you one of these days. Come on back.” He led him down a hallway to a small office lined with antique barrister bookcases. Green file folders covered most of his massive desk, and the computer on one side was old and looked unused.

The doctor dropped into the chair behind his desk. “Glad to have you in town. Rock Harbor can use an orthopedic surgeon. I get tired of having to refer patients to Houghton.”

“There’s no orthopedic doctor here at all? No one affiliated with your hospital?”

“Nope. It’s a crying shame.” The doctor steepled his fingertips and stared at him. “I’m sure you didn’t stop by for chitchat. Is this about Kylie?”

Did he know Jon was Kylie’s father? Jon couldn’t see Annie revealing something so personal. Not yet, when so few people knew.

Jon gave a slight shake to his head, and Dr.Eckright grimaced. “Forgive me for prying, Dr.Dunstan. I know you’re dating Annie and just assumed...”

“Call me Jon.” He settled in a chair. “It’s about Anu Nicholls.”

“That’s a surprise. Does Anu know you’re here?”

“Not yet. I’m going to tell her.” He realized he’d gotten that out of order. Anu should have heard about this before her doctor, but Jon was most comfortable talking about medical issues with other physicians. He dreaded talking to Anu.

“I see. What is your concern?”

Jon told him what he’d observed and suspected. “I was going to ask you to run the tests without worrying her, but Bree wants her to know about the concern.”

“Bree has a good head on her shoulders. Anu is a most pragmatic woman. She raised her kids alone and made a success of a business without anyone’s help. You don’t have to coddle that woman. She can take what life throws her way.”

“Should I handle it in a special way?”

“Just lay out what you’ve seen. Anu will come right in. I’ve been her doctor for twenty years.”

“I thought a CA-125 would be in order as well as an ultrasound.”
