Page 106 of Skyla

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“Hello again,” he said.

I smiled, but I didn’t feel it. Exhaustion, guilt, and fear clung to me.

“He’s going to check you out, okay?”

“Where are you going?”

The hard determination in his eyes was new. “We have church tonight. Have to do a few things before then.”

“Church. I can be there.”

Comet took my face in his hands. “Club members only, beautiful. But one of us will see you later.” Before I could open my mouth to say my body couldn’t take it, he whispered low. “Rocketman can do more than make sure you’re fine. By the time he’s done, you’ll be more than ready.”

Longing sprung up in my chest. I wanted them, and I wanted to be free of all this. Only a few more days until it was over, one way or another.

“Whatever’s going on in your head, gorgeous? Let it go.”

“Easier said than done.”

“I don’t doubt it.” He kissed my forehead. “But try for me. And call if you need us.”

“I always need you.”

I watched Comet’s expression darken, and he drew his thumb over my lower lip. “I can’t wait until you’re immortal.”

My heart began to pound. Glancing at the other people in the room, I nodded to the door. “Get out of here before we put on a show.”

The low growl that skittered across my skin and made my hair stand on end was a promise only the two of us heard. After the door clicked shut behind him, Maggie looked at me and the giant pile of stuff in my living room. “I see you’ve made yourself comfortable.”

I rolled my eyes. “Because I’ve had so much time to unpack?”

“I think that’s what we’re here for,” Clementine said. She looked perfectly healthy now. Not a scratch or bruise on her. “Comet just asked us to come over.”

Gesturing to Rocketman to sit on the couch beside me, I looked at them. “You guys don’t have to help me unpack, but I am glad you’re here.”

Jessie waved a hand. “Between the four of us, this will be done in no time. I’ll start putting your clothes away, unless you have some super anal system for how to organize your socks.”

“No.” I snorted a laugh. “Thank you.”

She dragged the big suitcase toward my bedroom, and Rocketman reached for my neck. He touched it gingerly and impersonally, magic drifting across my skin. “Doesn’t look like it was long enough to do real damage, but any longer? Definitely some bruising.”

I winced. “Yeah.”

“Seems like you have some other things I could take care of as well.” The smirk on his face told me knew exactly what he was saying. “Want me to?”

Grave’s words this morning came back to me.

I want you to feel this all day.

Would he be upset if Rocketman took away all the soreness? I smirked. If it was gone, then he had a good reason to make me sore all over again. And with the days we had left, I needed more. Deep down, I knew I wasn’t close enough to being able to triggerathanasía.

“Do it,” I told him.

“I’m going to put my hands on your head and your back,” he told me. Again, the touch was nothing but cool and impersonal.


It felt like taking a shot of adrenaline straight to my veins. The scratchiness in my throat disappeared along with my exhaustion. Between my legs, there was no more pain. I might as well have been the sleeping beauty Grave called me and slept for a hundred years for how good I felt.

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