Page 11 of Skyla

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He didn’t need to finish the sentence. We all knew what would happen. Even I knew, and I had only been fae for a few years.

“Let’s find him,” I said. “Kramer and I need to have a chat.”

Everyone smiled, and Silver raised an eyebrow at me. “You’re going to let Wraith handle it.”

“Fine.” I pulled on my helmet. “But if we end up cutting him apart, I want a piece.” It had been too long since I got to play with my knives.

In less than a minute, we were riding. No Man’s Land was big on foot, but on bikes it was easy to search. We knew where Kramer lived, but he’d be foolish to keep his money there. Where he actually was? No idea.

“Blood.” Grave’s voice crackled through the radio. “To the left.”

We banked hard, focusing in on the path of blood drops we now saw and scented. Fresh. It led to the Northwest corner of the rectangle of MC-free territory. On the Legion’s side.

If I were him, I wouldn’t have anything hidden this close to those assholes, but there were several choices Kramer made today that I wouldn’t make.

“Slow,” Silver said. “Off the bikes.”

We didn’t question, pulling over next to a laundromat. Then I saw what he’d seen: four members of the Legion following the same trail we were. “Are we sure we don’t just let them kill him?”

“I want to know what he has to say for himself,” Silver said quietly. “And then, depending on what he says, I’ll let Wraith, and maybe you, take him apart.”

Wraith took the lead, moving closer with speed and silence none of us could match. This rundown corner of No Man’s Land was perfect for hiding things, in spite of its proximity to the Legion. The guys ahead of us went into what looked like an abandoned garage, and they weren’t hesitating.

As soon as they disappeared, we moved.

Our fae senses let us hear Kramer’s cries far before we reached him.

“I’m bringing you the money,” he said, followed by a wet cough. “I promise. You’ll have it.”

A sinister laugh, and the sound of fists hitting flesh. “We don’t want your fucking money, K. You handed us that bitch on a platter. We’ll keep our word and wait until the time is up. But you’re never leaving this garage.”

Wraith went in first.

They didn’t see him coming.

No one ever did.

The Legionnaire doing the punching dropped to the ground, unconscious. I took the next one, my knife to his throat as I pulled him back. “Don’t fucking move.”

The other two went down, and I held on to the one I had, waiting for instruction. It would be so easy to kill him. Just alittlemore pressure and his throat would spill all over his shirt. But I didn’t know how many rules we were breaking today.

Silver approached slowly. When the Pres was like this, even I understood why people feared him. He seemed three times the size, those molten eyes glowing with rage.

“What’s your name, warlock?”

The man fought my hold, uselessly. I kicked him in the back of the knee and followed him down with the knife. “Don’t even try it. You won’t get anywhere, human.”

Comet smirked at me. The fact that I’d been human too wasn’t widely known. And my friends enjoyed it when I toyed with my former species as if I didn’t know what it was like to be so fucking helpless.

“I asked what your name is.” Silver’s voice was deadly velvet.

“Clipper.” He spat at Silver’s feet, and the Pres smiled.

“The reason you’re not unconscious right now is so you can carry the message back to your own side. You guys might have decided to disregard the rules, but we haven’t. We won’t kill you in No Man’s Land. But come after the people who live here again?”

The threat lingered in the air.

Silver nodded to me, and I let him go, slamming my elbow into his temple and dropping him like a stone. As one, the five of us turned to Kramer. His shoulder oozed blood, and his face was bloodied and bruised. Not enough for me.
