Page 12 of Skyla

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“How much?” Silver asked. “How much did you sell her out for?”

Below the blood, Kramer paled. “I didn’t mean to sell her out. I was in pain, and I couldn’t think. It just came out, I swear.”

I stepped forward, the back of my fist cracking across his cheek. “You didn’tmean to? Do you have any idea what you’ve done?”

Wraith put his hand on my shoulder, pulling me back.

Silver crouched in front of him, and his knife was in his hand. He traced it along the inside of Kramer’s leg. “How much?”

“Five hundred thousand.”

I swore under my breath. Questions were on the tip of my tongue, but I held them back, waiting for Silver to ask them.

“You brought drugs into No Man’s Land,” Silver said. “Why?”

“Running the club isn’t cheap. And you know there’s barely enough business to keep us afloat. I didn’t even touch the stuff—it just sat in storage for a day. The money would have taken care of us for a long time.”

Silver tilted his head. “How exactly were you planning on getting that amount of money? You clearly didn’t have it.”

The guilty look on his face told us everything we needed to know. But this was a discussion which would be continued later.

“Grave,” Silver said. “Please escort Kramer to the compound. Put him in the church basement.”

“No. You can’t take me out of No Man’s Land.”

Grave hauled Kramer up by the arms. “Should have thought about that before you betrayed everyone you knew.”

“Silver, please. I can fix this.”

Silver said nothing as Grave walked Kramer out of the garage. He wasn’t fighting, knowing there was no way to overpower any of us, but he was still begging. “I swear I didn’t mean to do it. I was going to make sure she was okay. Iswear it!”

Out of sight, I heard the sound of a hit, and Kramer stopped speaking. Good. The fucker needed to learn when to fucking shut up.

“We have that much, Delta?”

I looked up. He didn’t mean in general. That was a drop in the bucket. But money we could use right now was different. “Yeah. In cash?” Mentally, I went through our books. “That’s pretty much everything we have liquid right now.”

“Good. Let’s get it.” He glanced at his phone. “We have an hour.”

“Plenty of time,” Comet said tightly. We would be cutting it close.

None of us would ever forget the day we walked into Crimson Petal and saw Skyla. It was… something at first sight. For all five of us. It was like seeing her turned off every other instinct. It was justher. This fucking stunning human girl who danced like a dream and could stand up to any one of us. A craving that drowned out every other need and want to the point of madness.

Half-fae? Maybe that was why we were all drawn to her so much. But we’d held back, not wanting to endanger her or make her choose before she was ready. It was the hardest thing I’d ever done, and there were times when my dick was nearly raw from my hand, but it was worth it.

I’d never touched her, and I already knew she was worth it.

We hopped back on the bikes and headed straight for home. Our girl was in trouble, and we were going to get her back.





Iwiped my hands on a towel backstage as Clementine’s song wound down. Distract them. I could do that. This would be the performance of a lifetime, and it wasn’t going to be the one I usually did when the Legion were in the building.

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