Page 123 of Skyla

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They all smiled, and Comet laughed. “Damn, beautiful. Be careful or I’m going to fuck you on this table.”

Silver growled, taking the erotic energy out of the air.

“What’s going on?” I wrapped my arms around myself. “Everything’s tomorrow, so I know you’re busy.” The unasked question was in the air.

Delta held up a hand. “I’ve got this one. You know how werewolves go a bit feral during the full moon?”

“Yes?” I drew out the word, unsure what that had to do with anything.

“I didn’t know about it either until I turned. Fae are the opposite. We’re made of shadows, and the new moon? That’s when it’s darkest.”

I frowned. “It’s still daytime.”

“But the moon has risen,” Wraith told me. “Doesn’t really matter.”

Slowly, I took in their stances. Each held their bodies tight, like they were seconds away from exploding. “Why not just tell me that?”

“Because we’re so close to snapping that even this is close to danger,” Grave said. “Once we cross that line, we can’t come back from it until the moon sets, and we won’t care what you want.”

I straightened and looked around. “I’m new at this, and there’s going to be plenty of things I don’t know. Like the fact that these buildings even fucking exist. But I don’t want stuff hidden from me.”

Silver came over slowly. Intentionally. It felt like if he moved any faster he would lose control. “Sorry, baby girl. When I woke up with you in my arms, I was seconds away from pinning you to the mattress and not letting you out of my bedroom.”

“You say that like it’s a bad thing.”

He growled softly, and all that did was make my body stand at attention. “It is if I can’t stop.”

“So I just have to stay away from you every new moon? That’s no fun.”

“Not every one. Just this one.”

I glanced at the rest of them. “Is this a ‘Skyla, we’ll literally fuck you so hard you won’t survive?’ Or is it more that you don’t want to hurt me?”

“The second one,” Grave said.

“Doesn’t mean it will be easy,” Wraith said. “Our time together will seem tame.”

Silver brushed my hair behind my ear and kissed my forehead. “We won’t hide anything from you again,” he said. “But I need you to go, okay?”

I pouted, but I also understood. “Okay.”

He caught me by the arm. “When you walk out of here, do it slowly. Don’t run, baby girl. It’s the new moon. If you run, then we’ll have to chase you, and the second you do, you’re agreeing to whatever our inner beasts choose to do. You know that now.”

I remembered exactly what he said about theirshared interests.

We’re predators. Sometimes we like to chase.

“I do.” I knew. So why was my body throbbing with the anticipation of being claimed? Chased and pinned down and rutted without telling them yes or no, because I’d already made the choice. If I ran—any time, but especially tonight—I was telling them yes.

But my fae side was close to the surface after being with all of them and my birthday approaching. It wanted to blend into the Shadows and feel what it was like to be made of nothing but power. To see if I could hold my own against these fae men. To push up against their power and force them to unleash it. “Out of curiosity, what would you do? If I ran.”

One side of his mouth quirked up. “Do you want to know as an incentive or as a deterrent?”

“I’m not sure.”

“And I’m not sure what I—what any of us, because it wouldn’t be just me—would do. I can’t predict it. But I do know once it takes over, it doesn’t release until the moon sets again. No matter what.”

For all five of them. They stared at me with open hunger, and a matching need opened in the pit of my stomach.
