Page 39 of Skyla

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“He is.”

“Thank you.”

He smirked. “Thankyou. I can’t lie to you. I would have had a hard time if you’d told us you didn’t want to kill him.”

My heart fell, and pain cracked through my chest. There was so much relief, yet I still missed the person I thought was my friend. “I’m all over the place. I’m glad and I’m sad. Angry and confused. I don’t know what to do with myself.”

“I have something which might help.”


He smiled and moved so I was in his arms. I didn’t bother telling him I could walk—feeling him was nice. “Well, I think so. I guess we’ll see.” Nodding to Grave, we headed in the opposite direction of the church, where the more industrial buildings in the compound sat.

We went through a plain door, which led to a blank hallway. “Now,” Silver said. “It’s not done yet. We have some work to do on it, and we will. But we didn’t want to wait for it to be finished.”

Grave pulled open another door into a big, mostly empty room. A big cargo bay door I’d seen from outside took up one wall and a smaller door on the other. High windows let in daylight, the walls and floor both untreated concrete.

But it was the center of the room that stole my gaze. Half of the room held a thick metal grid ten feet off the ground, withpolesat the junctions. I recognized the kind of poles they were. Semi-permanent. Easy to install. Not fucking cheap.

The other side of the room had a non-stationary pole floating in the center, with so much space to practice, and there were even aerial silks. I wasn’t good at them, and was thrilled at the chance to try. A big speaker system rested up against the opposite wall, and I spotted smaller ones throughout the room.

“We’re going to paint this whatever color you want. Get you some nice bright lights and some moody ones, too. I didn’t want to jump the gun on the floor, because I didn’t know the best kind.” He laughed. “I’m good at a lot of things, but when it comes to dance studio floors…”

Silver set me on my feet gently, releasing me to explore. I walked to one of the poles, testing its strength. It was perfect, the exterior cover of the pole spinning easily. I had too many clothes on to do anything real, but I held myself off the ground and spun. “When did you do this?”

“I can’t take all the credit,” Silver said. “It was Grave’s idea. After we left you yesterday.”

My head snapped to the two of them. Grave leaned against the wall by the door, watching me. “You did this last night?”

Grave nodded.

“All of it?”

“Yeah, baby girl.”

“But… how? Why?”

Silver came to me, grabbing the pole above my head and leaning in. “How? Magic and money are a powerful combination. Just because we prefer to do things without magic doesn’t mean we can’t use it. And why?” He ran his knuckles down my cheek with his free hand. “I didn’t think I needed to explain that one to you.”

I let out a slow, shaky breath. “I’m sorry.”


“For being angry with you when you didn’t deserve it.”

His eyes met mine, and that hand slipped behind my neck. “It’s long past time I kissed you, don’t you think?”

Now I couldn’t even breathe, but I managed a nod.

Silver pulled my lips to his, and I closed my eyes.

Oh, god.

The kiss was soft and light, and it reachedeverywhere. It wasn’t just my mouth being kissed, it was all of me. I buzzed with energy, pleasure, and need. Withmagic. Silver tilted my head back, deepening the kiss, and I sensed how much he was holding back. His body strained against the power contained within it and the desire to take this further.

I still remembered his words the first day I saw him.Because if I touch you… hell, if any of us touch you, we won’t be able to stop.

He managed to pull himself back. “Fuck, Skyla. Your mouth…”
