Page 61 of Skyla

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The front door of the building opened and steps came closer. A sharp intake of breath, but I couldn’t tell who. Fingers drifted down my bare spine. “Skyla.”

Comet’s voice.

I didn’t move.

A rumbling growl, which was somehow gentle. “Come on, baby girl, look at me.”

Slowly, I lifted my head. Five sets of boots surrounded me. I looked higher and found Silver crouching in front of me, spattered with blood. Delta and Wraith were covered in it as well. All five of them in front of me, and suddenly tears blurred my eyes. “I’m sorry.”

Comet fell to his knees beside me, lifting me before he wrapped me up. Like a damn breaking, I sobbed into his shirt. I hadn’t really cried, other than those first few sobs in my apartment. Teared up, yes, but this—all the fear and terror of the last couple of days, combined with the shame of putting myself in a position where I could have been taken, it all came rushing up.

Hands stroked my naked skin from every direction.

“I’m sorry,” I whispered again. “It’s a lot.”

“What’s a lot, beautiful?”

“Everything.” A sob that cracked my voice.

Comet turned me and passed me into Silver’s arms. He kissed my temple and then my cheek, brushing away some of the tears. “You’re okay, baby girl.”

“I’m not.”

“No, but you will be.”

“What—” I sniffed, “do you need me to do?”

“Nothing tonight. You’ve had enough.”

I leaned my head on his shoulder. “What?”

Gently, he passed me to Wraith, who scooped me up and held me to his chest. The blood on his face somehow looked perfectly at home there.

“We’ll discipline you,” Silver said. “What you did was dangerous and easily could have gone wrong. Tonight, all of us would rather hold you and know you’re safe. The rest can come later.”

Wraith lifted me higher and kissed my lips. The sheer size of him overwhelmed me. “The only person I want hurting you is me, understand?”


Delta took me from Wraith and plundered my mouth. “Please don’t say anything about the cage,” I said. “Not tonight.”

He grinned, but it didn’t reach his eyes. “How about the chains on my bed? Your wrists would look really pretty with some new jewelry.”

I pressed my head into his chest, and he held me close. “The men who hurt Clementine are dead,” he whispered.


Grave was the last, and he lifted me, wrapping my legs around his waist despite my nakedness. He said nothing, but he didn’t have to. The way his fingers dug into my hips and his mouth on my neck told me everything.

The words found their way to my lips, the nameless fear I hadn’t been able to put a name to until they were around me, soothing all the buried instincts I was waking. “Was this about me?”

The silence stretched, long and loud.

“Yes,” Silver said. “And no.”

“How can it be both?”

Comet growled. “Fang and the Legion have wanted a fight with us for a long time, gorgeous. Coming after you is just giving them a reason. This would have happened eventually.”
