Page 78 of Skyla

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“So he’s been waiting for a reason, baby girl. You’re just the first one that stuck. Because like hell are we giving you up. Ever. I don’t care if the world has to burn.”

“I care,” I whispered. “I’m not worth that.”

He growled again. “The fuck you aren’t. But like I told you, we’re helping spread the word. In the end, it was everyone’s choice to live in No Man’s Land. Everyone knew this day could come.”

“Everyone? There’s no one who just… doesn’t know you guys exist?”

Tugging me forward to brush his lips over mine, he smirked. “Both clubs drive all over that strip of land every fucking day. You don’t think everyone knows who we are by now? Even if they don’tknow, they’re aware.”

I hadn’t thought about it like that.

“Clementine said she’d stay with Brian, but are there any empty spaces for Maggie? You said she’s welcome. I know Jessie’s fine with Ghost, but—”

“There’s a place for her. But only her and the others.” He looked at my stunned expression and sighed. “We can’t protect everyone, Sky. Even we don’t have the resources for that, and the Legionwillcome here. They won’t necessarily be safer.”

“So you’re saying you expect them to get through?”

“Of course not. If all of No Man’s Land takes shelter behind our wards? Maybe.”

I wasn’t intimate with the way magic worked, but he couldn’t lie to me.

“Comet is reaching out to shelters to make sure people have a place to go. And in the meantime, we’re trying to figure out how to end this before then.”

“How?” I swallowed. “The deadline is my birthday. Even if I get to the point to triggerathanasía, they’ll still come.”

“I know. I’m still working on it.”

“Okay.” I rested my forehead on his shoulder. “It feels selfish to be here, having sex and living in a gorgeous apartment when everything else is falling apart because of me.” I knew he said it wasn’t, but it still felt that way. “Even if it’s trying to help me stop this.”

A tiny meow interrupted us, Puff leaping onto my back and climbing. I winced at her little claws, but I still couldn’t be mad when she was so fucking cute.

She tumbled between us, happily batting at my hair.

“Have you ever had a time in your life where you didn’t have to worry?” Silver asked. “At all? Whether it was about being discovered or being adopted. Anything?”

I shrugged. “I guess not.”

“Then I want you to try. Yes, things are tense. But we are taking care of it and you. Try not to worry about anything else but you and us for a bit. Okay?”

Biting my lip, nerves swirled in my gut. I wasn’t sure I would be able to do that, but I could do my best. “I’ll try.”

“Good girl.”

My face flushed, and he chuckled. “There was another reason I wanted to find you.”

Puff was already bored with us and leapt to the side, speeding across the room to catch something invisible.

“Oh?” I rocked my hips into his. “Does it have to do with my ‘get fucked once a day’ rule?”

“A little.” His hands fell to my hips and held me down, showing me how hard he was. Since I now knew how they all felt around me, I wasn’t shocked. “You’re going to sleep in Delta’s bed,” he said. “Right?”

“Right.” I drew out the word. “Is that a problem?”

“No. But you won’t wake up there.”

I blinked. “What do you mean?”

Silver slid a hand up my spine and wove his fingers through my hair, gripping hard and pulling me forward so his lips were against my ear, voice so soft it made me shudder. “One of your other mates wants to steal you away. Delta might help him. But we need you to say yes first.”

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