Page 22 of Meet the Teacher

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Zayn chuckles. “Okay, maybe I fabricated that part a bit.”

“You know,” I smile. “For someone who is supposed to be earning my trust back, you have a funny way of showing it.”

He holds his to his heart again, imitating a fake wound. “Oof. You got me there, Miss Parker.”

The artist shoots us a glare, and we both go silent and serious again.

“Anyway, a fun fact is that axolotls can be viewed as great healers. They symbolize good health and potential for healing and renewal of oneself. They are fascinating creatures that can change themselves quite significantly, whether it’s their color, features, or size. So, remember that if you do make any mistakes, it’s really just the axolotl going through another life transformation.”

I stare intently, soaking in the information. Who had a clue that axolotls were this cool?

Zayn leans in next to me to whisper, “I didn’t realize this was gonna get so deep.”

Instead of laughing, I nod, continuing to absorb the artist’s words and learning about the powers of the axolotl.

Ithink I’m finally starting to feel like myself again. Being back in Lake View isn’t so terrible. Aside from the loneliness, I’m getting into a much better routine. Mom has been staying at the beach house for the past couple nights with me while Zayn has been working at the fire station. We’ve been texting, and I won’t lie, I look forward to receiving messages from him. I briefly shudder at my admission.

The door cracks open and I see Mom’s head peek through. When she sees I’m awake, she enters with a tray in her hand. “Good morning, sweetie. I made some coffee and your favorite cinnamon rolls for breakfast.”

“Mmmm, I thought that’s what I was smelling.” I sit up in the bed. Mom makes her way over and takes a seat on the edge of it. “Thanks, Mom,” I tell her. “For everything.”

“You’re more than welcome. I’ve rather enjoyed getting to take care of one of my babies again, just like old times.” I notice her voice crack a bit at the word ‘babies.’ I think as she said it, she reminded herself there’s only one of us now. I miss Summer so much.

“Yeah, I’ve enjoyed being taken care of,” I admit with a smile.

“So, how you holding up? You seem to be a busy bee lately. You’re not overdoing it, right? I mean, my goodness, sweetheart, you were just in the hospital not long ago.”

I yawn while doing a big stretch. I didn’t realize she’d want to have a full-on chat this early on a Saturday morning, but it’s fine.

“Hmm . . . I have to admit, it’s all going well. I think this school year is promising. I know I always freak out about big changes, but this time feels good. It feels better being back here than I ever could have anticipated.”

“I’m so happy to hear that, honey. Glad you’re giving teaching another go, but remember, your generation has multiple careers throughout their lifetime now. It’s okay to not stick with something that you don’t love, or even like, for that matter.” Mom pauses and gives a smile. “I know how much you love those kids, though. But hopefully you’ll have some of your own one day and then those will be the ones that you’ll prioritize above everything else.” Mom leans in closer to me and cups my chin. “And it’s all worth it.”

I give her a genuine smile. “I know, I think it simply feels so stressful that all this stuff is happening to me at once. I’m back home, teaching in my old elementary school, no longer with Liam, and Zayn is in my life way more than I wanted or planned.” I shrug.

“Autumn, I know you’ve been through so much, but you’ve been a little closed off lately. More than usual. I hope it’s alright for me to ask, but what ended up happening between you and Liam?”

Tears form in the corners of my eyes. “You know Mom, I’m not even sure. We had terrible communication. Nothing like you and dad. He never opened up to me about his feelings and he always pushed mine to the side like they were meaningless. In fact, I didn’t even know he wanted a divorce. I found out on accident.”


My gaze turns to the door of the coffee shop exactly as Liam walks in wearing his usual Armani suit and tie, his blonde hair gelled back. Smiling, he heads towards me. I notice some young girls at a table nearby acting giddy over his presence. Don’t get me wrong, he’s an attractive guy. Hell, I did marry him after all. But the past few years all we’ve done is go through the motions. Summer calls him my roommate, but even him being a roommate would be an upgrade considering how infrequent he’s home. Liam pulls out his chair, resting his suit jacket on the back of it.

“Hey there, my beautiful wife.” I cringe, knowing he’s probably trying to impress the people around us more than he’s actually giving me a compliment.

He takes a seat at the table, and the server comes over. “What can I get for you, sir?”

“A venti black coffee, please,” he replies.

I can’t help but roll my eyes. “So, you know the lingo here, huh?”I try easing the tension that fills the room, making it harder to breathe with every inhale.

He shrugs. “Yeah, they’re just like Starbucks.” Liam pauses before adding, “I’ve been here a few times with clients.”

Of course he has. When has he ever not been to a place before with clients? The barista set our coffees down, and politely whispers, “Let me know if there’s anything else you need.”

“Thank you,” I say before taking a sip of my cappuccino.

Liam looks at me and asks, “So, why are you off today?”The fact that he doesn’t have a clue about my schedule confirms my decision even more.

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